
31 6 16

Okay so, first off, I want establish my RP mains~

If you don't know what those are, it's defining who does what character for me when we rp, basically

So comment down which chara you want! It can include any fandom I'm in.

A l s o I want to change my user in both accs to something simpler I guess

On this one I still dunno if I'll even have the courage to do it, but it would be something like -marry or -something iidkkkk

On my second acc, I still dunno between -redhero or -scarvedhero oR sOMetHInG sImIlAR

Plz help mee ;-;

I'll do the chapter with the mains next~ (I'm on class rn)

Baiii and thaaanksss~

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