The Bracelet

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Written By:Nate

Marinette's P.O.V

"Ok Tikki, let's go on patrol." "Wait!" Tikki yelled. "You forgot your gift for Chat Noir." "Oh right." I replied. "Alright. Time to transform. TIKKI SPOTS ON!! HA!! *transformation sequence* I grabbed my gift I made for him (well, both of us actually), and headed off into the night. After a few minutes of looking, I finally found Chat sitting atop the Eiffel Tower, waiting for me. "Chat!!" I yelled, and ran over to him. I sat down next to him and gave him my Christmas present. "Here Chat", I said, handing my present to him. "Really?? This is fur me bugaboo??" he said. "Yes Chat. Now stop calling me bugaboo and open your gift" I replied, exited for what he would think of my gift.

Chat's P.O.V.
I slowly opened the present Ladybug gave me, not wanting to waste any time I had with her. Once I had opened it, I looked down and saw the best present anyone has given me. It was two bracelets: one half shaped like a cat and the other half shaped like a ladybug. "Do you like it?" she asked, seeming really nervous to what my answer would be. "Like it! I love it!! Just like you, only I wish I could tell you that" I mumbled the last part so that Ladybug wouldn't hear. "What was the last part?" she asked. "I didn't quite hear you" "NOTHING!!" I replied, thankful that she didn't hear me. She took the Ladybug bracelet out and held it next to the black cat. They came together with a pleasant "clink". "They're magnetic. I made them myself" she said. I smiled at the thought of her making these bracelets just for the two of us to wear. "How very telling" I teased. "And what is that supposed to mean?" she rolled her eyes, knowing there was a joke coming up. "Does this mean that you're attracted to me My Lady?". She punched me in the arm, I saw that coming of course. "No, why would you even ask that??You obviously knew the answer to that before you asked", Ladybug replied. "I know My Lady I just... never mind, lets go patrol." I said, and watched Ladybug disappear into the night.

*time skip to when they are in school*

Written by: Margaret

Marinette's P.O.V.

I saw Alya whispering to Nino and thought it was a little strange. I was suspicious because they only whisper to each other when they're plotting something involving me and Adrien. "Hey Marrinette" she said excitedly. "Do you want to go to the fair with me and Nino? I hear they're throwing a kind of celebration commemorating all the times Ladybug and Chat noir saved the day!" I said "sure I'd love to." Then the bell rang and Alya led poor unsuspecting me to Nino and Adrien. You guys ready to go?" She asked, making sure to imply to me her devious plans. I wanted to look like I was mad at Alya, but all I could do was be overjoyed that I could spend the rest of the day with Adrien! "Oh h-hi Adrien, uh I, um I didn't realize th-that you two were coming. Not that I'm disappointed or a-anything 'cause you're so-" Alya nudged me back to reality and I blushed. I wish I could control myself around him, but there's this switch that just turns my brain off whenever he's near. "Ok lets get rolling, we don't want those lines to pile up." Said Nino winking at Alya. Something's definitely up.

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