The Photo Booth

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Written By:Nate

Marinette's POV
That click!! Of course!! It only made that noise when it was connected to Chat's bracelet. But Adrien's had been attracted to my bracelet. Why was that. I made the bracelets in a way that it would only attract the other bracelet, and I'm sure I only made 2 of them. I am very sispicous.

Adrien's POV
"Marinette.... are you alright? You seem.... confused." "Ummmm, yeah, I'm ok. Just lost in thought.... have you ever veen lost in thought? Yeah, it's like that, but I'm also reliving a memory where I gave a friend something and right now is a deja vu to that and I'm confused and I-" "Marinette, it's totally fine, I get it. In fact, the same thing is happening to me right now, but sort of in reverse. So I can totally relate. Don't worry about it" I say, trying my very hardest to calm her down. Wjere is Alya when you need her? Oh yeah, they are on a "date" somewhere in this festival. But calming down Marinette is wat easier than I thought. But, but I thought she was afraid of me.... no... Adrien, you are getting WAY off topic here, ok focus. Why did Marinette's bracelet stick to mine? It was only bugaboo's that was supposed to attract to mine. "Hey, Marinette, do you, I don't know, maybe want to go on a couple more rides or do something fun. I mean, Alya and Nino are away and I understand if you don't want to-" "Yes!! Of course!! I-I would love to A-Adrien" "Great, so do you want to take a couple pictures, I see a photo booth over there" I say, pointing to a photo booth that was a little over a meter away from where we were standing. "Sure, I still have a couple of tokens left, and the festival is going to close soon, so, I don't see why not." "Great, race ya", I say, starting to run towards the booth. Marinette soon catches up and actually beats me. "How'd you do that?" I ask, trying to see how she beat me when I was so far ahead of her. "Just luck I guess. People say I have a lot of it" she replied, with one of the biggest smiles I have ever seen on a human being. "Well I'm the opposite. I always have bad luck, but I don't seem to now, and I have no idea why." I reply, and immedialy my mind flashes to Ladybug. My bad luck never comes when I'm around her either. Luck, hair as dark as bight, blue bell eyes, giving a friend a gift, deja vu, bringing his bad luck to a hault- "My Lady?" I say, my voice filled with suprise and understanding. "Is that you bugaboo?" I say to her, and her face changes from confusion to shock in an instant.

Marinette's POV
Bugaboo? "Kitty? Is that you?" I ask, with my voice full of confusion. "You bet your claws that I am." "Yep, you are defintely him, Adrien." Wait. Adrien. Adrien was Chat this whole time?!? I rejected him!! What!! I kissed him. Wait. I kissed him!! What do I do?? "Buganette? Are you alright?" "Yes, just, let's take that photo now." "I say, as we go inside of the photo booth. "Bugaboo?" "Yes?" "Can I give you something?" "Sure what do you want to g-" I got cut off by Adrien's lips smashing into mine. After a few seconds, we broke the kiss. "That. Also, I told you that you wouldn't be able to resist me without the mask." "Well, you were right. And you were right about one more thing." "What was that?" "That I would fall for you." "Aww, I love you to my lady." Little did we know, the photo booth and one very nosy vlogger was recording the while thing. But, luckilly for us, she had got back after we had kissed. "Girl I'll get these photos for y- OMG!!" Her mouth was open wide in horror, but, after a couple of seconds, her mouth became a huge smile, and she immediatly started fangirling. "OMG!! NINO!! PLAN GET ADRIENETTE TOGETHER WORKED!! LOOK AT THIS!! YOU LOOK SO CUTE TOGETHER!! MARI, YOU BETTER GIVE ME ALL THE DETAILS LATER GIRL, OK? OK!! OMG!! MY SHIP HAS SAILED!!" "How did we get here again?" Adrien asked. "I guess it was out bracelet's was if telling us that we have an instant connection. I don't know, but, what I do kniw is that I love you with all of my heart." "I love you too bugaboo". And we shared one last loving kiss before we left the festival, and onto patrol the city, as one.

(2020 update: I'd be willing to make a sequel if anyone wants it. Just note that I no longer consider myself part of this fandom. Thank you! - Nate)

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