Shot 25: The Last Light ~Wilfred~

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I need to stop writing depressing shots since Christmas is almost here. I'll try and write something happier next time but there is a happy ending for this short shot—well, what I think is a happy ending. Not dedicated to anyone and just wrote this because I felt inspired to. I hope you enjoy it.

The storm grew stronger and stronger. Loud droplets of rain fell exceedingly quickly down to the ground. Loud hammering sounds of raindrops colliding with the glass resonate throughout the room. It was dark. The moon was hidden behind the loud thundering clouds and the usual handful of shimmering diamonds are nowhere in sight.

It was quiet, dreadfully quiet in Wilfred's private chambers. A deep void filled the lone room. 

"_____," Your name just slipped out of his mouth as his icy blue eyes stared at the only candle lit. The orange mixed with crimson fire sways from side to side on top of the melting white wax. 


Lightning strike across the sky, lighting Wilfred's room. The solace in his room perished long ago. Another loud thundering sound of lightning strikes again. The loud deafening sound screeched in his ears but he didn't care if it brought discomfort to them.

A thick glossy layer of water threatens to collapse from his eyes and allow fresh tears to run down his face. 

It has been one week. One week since your death.


Droplets of clear, shimmering water roll down his right eye; his left eye followed suit. "_—_____," His voice creaks and more tears flow down his face. He didn't dare wipe them away or even tried to soothe his aching heart. 

That was your job and doing that will only make him realise that you are gone.

"_____," Your name just came out from his lips naturally. His eyes still strained at the blurry fire in front of him, representing the only light in his life right now, sitting on top of a single candle.

"Wil~fred," You jumped to the next side of him and giggled, saying his name in a sing-song voice. Joy fills your heart as you look up at the incognito blond prince. Matching with him, you wore a pair of glasses, a black hat and a thick brown coat which shielded you from the early autumn wind. 

"If we go back to the chateau now, Claude will surely be mad at us and wouldn't stop lecturing about our little escape." You wrap your arms around Wilfred's right arm and look up at his face. His eyes look down at you and you tip-toped and kissed his cheek. "So how about we take a little detour and head over to the little gelato store right there." You point at the store across the street.

Stopping in the middle of the slightly crowded sidewalk, Wilfred looks over to see a small, cute cobblestone store. It was another one of your rare. private dates and because of that, Wilfred couldn't dare say no to you and also because of your pleading eyes. 

"Alright," He smiles, "bu!"


"—AHHHHH!" Wilfred jumps to his feet, tearing his eyes away from the burning flame. "Da—daddy!!" Rushing to his bed, Wilfred wipes the forming tears away from his daughter's eyes. "Is the storm gone?" Soft sobs escape her lips.

Gently stroking her hair, Wilfred's sadness disappears. "Just a little bit longer." 

"Okay," Rubbing her eye, Wilfred admires the last gift his wife left behind—a miniature you in every possible way. "But daddy, you're crying." Her small fingers point at the tears rolling down his face.

"How about we go to sleep together." Climbing into the bed, Wilfred admires his smiling daughter—the smiling you.

Because she is his last, irreplaceable treasure.

I could have portrayed the emotions better and the plot was a bit incomplete in my opinion. I guess it's alright but there is some OOC-ness. To clarify, the mc died from a car crash and the daughter can sleep through pretty much anything. I need to take a break from writing 'Wilfred' shots and focus on other princes and butlers. Unedited.

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