Chapter Eighteen

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"Ye need her?" Rhona repeated, skepticism oozing from her voice like honey from the comb. His sister could be incredibly irritating when she wanted to be, even when her face was red and blotchy from crying.

He clarified: "If we want to work out who Rodd's accomplice is and where he's hidden an innocent woman, then aye. We need her."

Rhona wrenched open her mouth to reply but there was a light tap on the door, and Fenella entered. She took in the scene with a quick glance around the room. As was her way, she missed nothing, but unlike normal, she didn't comment on Rhona's wet, angry eyes or Rosa's flushed face. Apparently Fenella was, albeit temporarily, letting her humility curb her desire for meddling. Thank God.

"Lunch is ready, my laird," she murmured.

"Thank you. I'll head right down. Then I'll join one of the search parties. The more people looking the better."

"I'm coming," Rosa returned at once. She gathered up her skirts in a no-nonsense fashion, and he was rewarded with a flash of pale ankle.

"Not today." McWilliam clenching his fists to stop himself gathering her up into his arms in front of the other two. "It's not safe for you outside." Like hell he was letting her out with Rodd still on the loose.

"Rodd doesn't scare me."

"That's beside the point." He curbed his sudden anger and worry, saying: You won't be any help to Amelia dead."

She looked unconvinced, so he added: "Ye don't know the terrain. You'll only slow everyone down."

"My Lord," Fenella interrupted. "She cannot return to her room just yet. I've got a couple of my girls in there changing the bedding and giving it a general clean."

"Then you can stay in here with Rhona," he said, as Fenella saw herself out, promising to return with a lunch tray for the two women.

"I'm fine by myself," Rhona huffed. She clambered back into bed and pulled the blue and white counterpane up to her chin, looking quite as stubborn as on her best day.

"You haven't been very well," he argued, not in the mood to be disregarded. "I'd feel better if there was someone here to keep an eye on you." At least until she calmed down about Duncan and Rodd.

"I'd be happy to stay," Rosa snapped. "Since you're clearly not going to let me outside to help."

He clenched his teeth. If Rosa and Rhona ever decided to gang up on him, McWilliam would be in trouble.

In response, Rhona turned her back on them both and Rosa crossed her arms over her chest.

He was almost grateful to be leaving for a manhunt. He'd rather face a murderer than these two in a bad mood any day.


Rosa glanced down the corridor after the laird. His shoulders were tense, but his arms swung confidently by his sides. He'd had no right to say she'd be more hindrance than help, even if was true. Just because she'd barely ventured into the Scottish wilderness and knew next to nothing of survival, didn't mean she shouldn't be out there trying to find her cousin. Amelia was her responsibility after all.

Her thoughts drifted back to this morning. What he had done to her had been so undeniably erroneous and yet it had felt so exquisite. She'd never before realized someone could die a little for the longing of a single touch. Not until McWilliam had touched her like that, right there.

She was now certainly a fallen woman. The Wrights would be scandalized if they thought an ex-governess of theirs had participated...had practically begged the Scotsman to touch her so.

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