Chapter Twenty-six

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McWilliam's heart dropped into his stomach. From a distance, he saw Cameron take down Rosa. She fell, practically disappearing from sight under his uncle.

Without thinking, he kicked Mist into a gallop. She charged forward, and McWilliam doubled over, grabbing at the back of Cameron's kilt as he the passed. He caught the fabric between his fingers and yanked, heaving his uncle up.

Jumping from the saddle, he punched Cameron straight in the nose. It cracked under his fist. But he didn't wait for the blood that he knew would come. Instead, he gathered Rosa up, setting her on Mist.

"Get out of here," he barked. Barely waiting for her to gather up the reins, he smacked Mist's rump. She nicked at him, then broke into a trot.

"What the hell are ye doing?" he roared at Cameron.

His uncle clutched his nose with one hand and glared at him through narrowed, watering eyes. "She's poisoned your mind. You're not thinking straight."

"I'm thinking perfectly straight. You're the one who kidnapped Rosa, and right in front of Rhona. What were you thinking."

"He murdered Rodd, and he knows were Amelia is," Rosa said from behind him.

He cast a glance over his shoulder. Mist stood with her back to them all about ten feet away. Rosa shrugged, dusting more dirt and grass from her gown as though she'd tumbled from the saddle. "She never did like me," she added with a nod towards the horse.

"I..." He blinked, trying to clear his thoughts. "He killed Rodd?"

"Yes," Rosa said. "He told me so. And he stole your money." She quickly explained to him everything Cameron had confessed to her on their ride to the Rocky Ruins. He could barely believe his ears, but he knew Rosa wasn't lying. He trusted her completely.

"After all this time," he said to Cameron when Rosa was finished, "I trusted you. Hearn trusted you," he said, naming his father. He straightened his shoulders. "You might be family, but I'm still your laird and you fall under my jurisdiction." He wrapped an arm around Rosa's shoulders, tucking her safely against his side. Staring straight into Cameron's eyes, he didn't blink and he didn't back down. "Mark my words, Uncle, you will be punished for your crimes."


Using Mist's reins as he had once before, McWilliam bound Cameron's hands behind his back. His uncle could barely walk—his damaged knee black and blue with the bruises from Rosa's boot—so they bundled him onto Mist. She flickered her ears and pawed the ground as if to say, 'Get him off me.'

Traveling in silence, it took them longer to get back because he and Rosa had to walk. He tried to keep his eyes on his uncle, but every time he caught sight of Cameron he couldn't help but shudder. First a murdering grandfather and now a murdering uncle. It was beginning to really look like madness ran in his family.

Nay! That was never going to happen, of that he was utterly determined. His parents, especially his father, had been wonderful people. Kind, caring, loving, intelligent people. He only had to look at Rhona to be reminded of that. She was an amazing young women who'd inherited so many of his parent's best qualities—and a couple she seemed to have picked up all on her own. As for himself...well, he now had so much more to live for. He wasn't worried about the madness creeping up on him. His family would keep him right. Rhona and his soon-to-be nephew (or niece), and the English thief who wasn't a thief at all.

He slipped Rosa's hand into his, curling his fingers tight. No matter what happened next, no matter how many trials there were in their future, he'd never let anything happen to his family. Not until the last breath left his body.


Back at the castle, Cameron was hustled into his chamber, the door locked tight behind him and a guard put on duty. He'd stay there for three days, when McWilliam would hear his case at the Whitsunday trials and pass down judgement. Then, at long last, all this mess would be over.

It was hard to believe Rosa had only been in is life for nine days; it felt like a lifetime.

He looked down at her, but couldn't find the right words. Technically, she'd never agreed to marry him, and now this was all over she could easily decide to return home. His chest tightened. He couldn't let that happen.

"Ye can't return to England. You're still a fugitive," he growled. Even to his own ears, he sounded grumpier than he'd intended.

She blinked. "I guess I am."

"And I can't send Cameron to Leeds," he said, trying to sound a little more reasonable and failing. "I can't risk even the slightest possibility of him getting free and harming someone else." And, even though it felt like he'd said it already a hundred times before, said: "He's my responsibility."

They were standing in the middle of the courtyard. There were a couple of people milling around, he guessed they were waiting for him to say something reassuring now the murderer had been caught. He could see Mary out of the corner of his eye. She had her arms crossed over her chest and was watching Rosa with something like curiosity.

Rhona had also come down from her room. She'd wrapped a blanket around her shoulders, and seemed to be using it to hide her stomach from view. Even though she wasn't showing yet, it wouldn't be long before everyone knew.

At his glance, she took half a step forward. Of everyone here, he owed her an explanation the most. Not only had she recently lost her father, but now also the father of her child and her beloved uncle. If he had anything do with it, she'd never loss anyone else again.

But first, he had something more urgent to say.


Rosa frowned. She'd also been looking around the courtyard but turned her attention back to him. "Aye?"

He gritted his teeth. He was a warrior and a laird and by far the largest person on the estate, but right now, facing a five foot two inch England lass with bronze hair and a smile that could melt ice, he felt more terrified than ever before. He couldn't bear it if she refused him again.

He opened his mouth. No words came out.


Ignoring the people gathering around them in the courtyard, Rosa stood up on her tip toes and wrapped her arms around McWilliam's neck. He was too stubborn for his own good. And frustrating and not at all like the England dandies in Hyde Park, but Rosa didn't think it was possible to love him more. Her whole body felt elated, as if her feet might lift from the ground at any moment. Truely weightless.

Right at this moment, he looked a little stunned. She didn't blame him. It had been one hell of a day. And now he had to deal not only with the consequences of a murdering grandfather but also with a murdering uncle.

Either way, after everything that had happened, she was absolutely sure about one thing: he'd never have to deal with it alone.

"Lord Laird," she said, tangling a hand in his hair, "marry me."

And without waiting for his answer, she captured his lips with her own in a kiss that he wasn't likely to forget in a hurry.

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