Extras: The writing of

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My writing process
The Highlander's Thief is the second romance novel I've written. (My first was a very enthusiastic Viking/slave romance that doesn't deserve to ever see the light of day!)

I'm not sure if there's a word to describe someone who's both a plotter and a panster, but that's what I am. I planned the overall plot, and then I 'panstered' my way through the individual chapters.

While writing, I also carried around a notebook so that I could jot down ideas and scenes as they came to me

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While writing, I also carried around a notebook so that I could jot down ideas and scenes as they came to me. As you can see, my notebook for The Highlander's Thief is quite battered and bruised but very much loved. I wouldn't have been able to keep my thoughts straight without it.

When it came to editing the manuscript, I printed everything out and went through by hand

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When it came to editing the manuscript, I printed everything out and went through by hand. I find it a lot easier to sort through my thoughts when I'm writing rather than typing. I edited the manuscript about three times before my beta readers read it and provided their feedback.

 I edited the manuscript about three times before my beta readers read it and provided their feedback

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In total, it probably took me a year to write this book. In many ways it was like having a second (more fun but unpaid) job.

Writing resources
There are many other great writing resources out there. These are just a couple that I found particularly helpful.

1. Rock Your Writing by Cathy Yardley

This is a self-published book and a lot of what it talks about is fairly obviously, but it's still a great read, especially for the beginner writer.

2. A Writer's Guide to Active Setting by Mary Buckham

Even if you just read the first chapter or two, you're sure to learn some great tips for writing a more active setting. I highly recommend giving this one a look.

3. The Art of Romance Writing by Valerie Parv

Another fantastic resource. This book is especially written for anyone wanting to write romance, and it includes many examples and checklists.

4. A Decent Proposal by Rhonda Whitton and Sheila Hollingworth

I'd recommend this book to anyone who's finished their manuscript. It talks about different ways of presenting your book and how to write a proposal for prospective publishers.

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