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Jeon Jungkook has been friends with Taehyung for around a year now.

It was Namjoon who had introduced Taehyung to him. Namjoon was Jungkook's English tutor and he noticed that the younger guy would be doodling in his books. He sometimes caught him drawing while he was explaining as well. But even so, he could tell that he was talented and even encouraged him to take art in school.

And then Taehyung had a sudden interest in art so Namjoon asked Jungkook to help his brother out.

Their first meeting was at a fancy dessert place. Jungkook was much earlier than the arranged time. He tried to recall what Namjoon had told him about Taehyung. Firstly, he was older than Jungkook. Secondly, he may not seem like it at first but Taehyung is actually a really funny guy.

Jungkook was hoping and praying that Taehyung would not sense how nervous he is. He spent the time he had repeating his introduction over and over in his head.

Hi, nice to meet you. My name is Jeon Jungkook, and you must be Kim Taehyung, Namjoon's brother right?

Then a man walked to the table Jungkook was at, he had a long brown coat over his outfit and he even wore a black beret. Underneath the beret peeked light brown hair.

He looked really...artsy.

Just as Jungkook was about to stand up to bow and introduce himself, the other man beat him to it.

"I'm Taehyung. And you're Jungkook?"

The younger male stood there and simply nodded, his lips were suddenly sealed shut and he totally forgot what he was supposed to say.

Taehyung whipped out a small sketchbook from his coat pocket and shoved it into Jungkook's chest.

"Please teach me how to draw."

He was a bit surprised by the sudden action, but he nodded yet again.

It was awkward at first, the way Taehyung presented himself, he gave off such a mysterious aura that Jungkook found it difficult to understand the older man.

Jungkook proceeded to go through Taehyung's sketchbook which had a bunch of doodles and drawings of cartoon characters. There was even a drawing of Vincent van Gogh.

"I didn't know you drew...cartoon characters, it's...cute." Jungkook commented, in a slow, hesitant way, in case he said something wrong.

Taehyung apparently grinned at the younger man's comments. Jungkook shyly continued to compliment the man's effort in trying to draw, and it was evident that he was improving.

Taehyung began to talk about his inspiration and surprisingly they seem to be getting along quite easily. He asked Jungkook to sketch something for him.

Taehyung watched the way Jungkook drew, how his big doe eyes looked so adorable when he was concentrating. A few minutes went like this with Taehyung was just watching the younger.

"Whoa, this is really good! You're amazing, Jungkook!" Taehyung exclaimed as he admired the completed drawing.

Jungkook blushed at the compliment as he sipped the orange juice he ordered. "Ah thank you! I just like to draw..."

"My brother told me you're really talented and he's right, this is really good. But I've only been trying to draw recently..."

"I think you're quite good as wel—"

"I think he's setting us up."

Jungkook choked on his drink, "H-Huh? S-Sorry?"

"You see, I'm not the type that socialises that much, my brother thinks I need more friends, so he's setting us up in a way...and I don't think he'd want us to just talk about art..."

"Oh...Well then, we can always talk about other things."

"Yeah, do you perhaps want to go hang out after this? Like, go shopping?" Taehyung smiled.

"Alright, I don't mind."

You could say Namjoon had succeeded in introducing a good friend to Taehyung.

Taehyung was rudely awakened from his afternoon nap by someone knocking at his door. He opened the front door to his apartment to be greeted by his elder brother Namjoon.

"I said I won't go, if you're going to drag me over to your house on Christmas day, I swear I'll—"

Taehyung was abruptly cut off by the taller man wrapping his arms around him and pulling him into a tight hug. He was taken aback for a second.

"Are you sure you'll be okay alone?"
the elder man whispered

"Yeah, Namjoon. Stop worrying."

He complied and released him from the hug.

"Now thats that aside, what are you really here for?"

The older man rubbed the back of his neck and admitted "Ah... well Jin won't let me help him with the decorations."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow, he could come up with multiple reasons as to what Namjoon could have done to get Jin annoyed at him. But knowing his brother, he was pretty sure its got something to do with his nickname of 'God of Destruction'.

"You broke something?"




"Is he angry?"

"He threw a Christmas wreath at me."

"Okay, you made a wise choice coming here. Welcome, brother."


A/N: the whole drawing thing was inspired by the behind cam for bon voyage s2 ep1 where tae asked jk to teach him how to draw. oh and i'll try to slip in a MAD CITY update while i'm doing this story, since I haven't updated that story in awhile;; so do check that story out as well!

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