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It's Christmas day. Was Namjoon hoping for Taehyung to appear? Honestly he didn't know what to expect. He'd just have to keep hoping, even though he might have thought or even said he'll give up, he can never do so.

Taehyung is his little brother, no matter how stubborn he may be, he would never abandon him.

But after the sudden outburst by Taehyung the other night, Namjoon initially did not want to believe that Taehyung would or could change. Jin did try to convince him that Taehyung would be able to push himself to move on because of Jungkook.

Namjoon has to put on that front like he always did, to be happy despite his heart missing his own family, the closest one he has right now—his brother.

Anyway, that issue aside, Jin has been screaming at Namjoon the whole morning. He wants everything to be perfect for the Christmas party which was happening in a few hours time.

Namjoon stared at the dining table and scratched his head, "Jin, I'm sure we have enough food. You could feed the whole neighbourhood with this amount of food."

Jin just continued to fuss over the drinks and snacks, complaining that no one understands the importance of food.

Namjoon smiled to himself.

This is the man he loves.

"I'm afraid that I don't have that much presents for everyone."

Taehyung confessed to Jungkook as he eyed the small bag he had, he obviously had bought something for his brother, Jin and Hoseok as well. He contemplated getting something for his neighbour Yoongi but in the end he managed to get a small gift.

It wasn't much but hey, Yoongi was able to take Taehyung's annoyance and Taehyung was able to handle Yoongi's grumpiness after all this time of living side by side.

Jungkook on the other hand, had a huge bag full of different sized gifts. He could sense Taehyung was judging him.

"You're like a mini Santa." Taehyung commented as Jungkook tied the shoelace on his shoe. They were getting ready to head off to Namjoon's house. Of course Namjoon didn't know that.

It was an unanimous decision, surprisingly. Jungkook thought that Taehyung would still not want to go. But Taehyung was determined to make this change.

"I know this looks like a lot but Hoseok is bringing his friends and Jin's cousins are gonna be there. I need to go prepared."

Taehyung sighed as he grabbed his coat.
"I should have at least got something for your friend Jimin... I didn't know that Jin knows him as well..."

"Jin loves shopping at that department store, one day he saw me and I introduced Jimin to him. And it's totally okay, he'll understand. This is your first time going to a Christmas party in a long time." Jungkook smiled as he put on his other shoe. "Turning up is a gift itself."

Taehyung suddenly giggled, making Jungkook confused, he cocked his head to the side, seeking a reason for the other's laughter.

"You know, I bet that is exactly what Namjoon would say."

Hoseok and his friends were the first one to arrive, he was clad in his usual style and his bright red hair not so hidden under a Christmas hat.

Christmas Memories | taekookWhere stories live. Discover now