Letter to Santa

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Hey Santa,
     I know I am a little old to be writing you, and I don't necessarily believe in you, but I just thought it be worth a try to ask you. Santa, I want a few things for Christmas. These things aren't objects really, but maybe you can help. Santa I really want some happiness. I would absolutely love for things to fall into place. I am so stressed. I cant even begin to tell you about my year and I think one day I'll write a book about it. Santa, I also would love some motivation. If you could also help the family and friends I have in my life who are going through hard times. That would mean the world to me. It saddens me to not be able to help them myself. They deserve happiness too. Also Santa, I would love to get a better job. One that pays well, or maybe to have time and be able to study more for school. I just want things to settle down. This Phoenix process I am in, feels like it is killing me. Maybe I caused it myself by my choices, but goodness I'm exhausted. Santa, if you could please help me.
Yours truly,

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