Skinny Dipping at 2am

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  “Hey baby,” Anna said as she hopped into my jeep, immediately attacking my mouth with hers. Sometimes she acted desperate and everyone in Kansas knew she was the town’s bitch but I could care less what people thought of her. She’s great. The sex was great.

 She smelled of perfume and covered in fake makeup. Tonight she was dressed in a white, buttoned down shirt with its tails tied just above her belly button and the first few buttons loose on her chest, so you could see the swells of her breast. Her jeans shorts stopped just below her butt and her boot covered legs looked longer than usual.

  Anna smiled as she noticed I was taking her in. “Like what you see?” she said in a breathless tone but to me it sounded like she had a hoarse throat.

  I smiled and nodded. “It’s going to be cold you know. We are going to the beach at 11 in the night,” I said and she leaned in to me.

  “You’ll keep me warm won’t you?” she said. I forced a smile - when all I wanted to do was grimace- and nodded.

She smiled in satisfaction and leaned back into her seat and I drove offto the beach.

  The beach wasn’t hard to find, seeing that there was a hug bonfire on the sand.  The music was so loud you could hear it 2 miles back. I was surprised there wasn’t any police yet.  Teenagers were everywhere, juniors and seniors. Some were already drunk; some making out behind a tree and doing God knows what and some dancing.

“Hey!!! Eli!” an all too cheery voice called. I turned around, Anna at my right hand. Jason, my best of idiot friend, walked more like swayed to us. His normally clear, brilliant blue eyes were now half lidded and dull. His brown curls dark on his tanned skin.  The alcohol on his breath was strong.

 “Jason, how much did you drink,” Anna asked and Jason laughed out loud.

“A. Lot.” Jason said as he took a gulp of whatever drink he had in his hand. “I was the one who planned this. I deserve a drink!”

“A drink?” I said, surprised by what he meant as ‘a drink’.  “You’re sure; having a bonfire on the beach isn’t illegal right?”

“Of course not! People do it in movies all the time.” He said as if I was the one saying stupid stuff. I nodded in understanding which really was his stupidity I understood.

“Who is that?” Anna said. I looked at her in confusion, forgetting for a second that she was even there. She dark eyes looked across from us. I followed her gaze only to realize that the person Anna was looking at was Lexi.

I couldn’t help the goofy smile that sketched my face.

 She had just come out from her car. Her bright orange hair seemed to illuminate more as the fire reflected from it. She wore a buttoned down plaid shirt with a tight fitted jeans and a pair of converse. Even though it was simple, she looked better than half of the girls here.

I laughed out loud as she tripped over the step of the pavement of the parking lot. She looked at it as if she was shooting daggers from her eyes. Obviously she thought, she got her revenge as she turned back to walk towards where we were standing.

I could tell she was regretting coming here as she searched the crowd of teenagers, looking for a familiar face, my face? 

Anger boiled in me as she passed a few hormonal seniors, checking her ass as she walked away. For some strange reason, I wanted to rip off their heads.

“Whoa there chick? Who are you and where have you been,” Jason said as Lexi passed him.  She stopped and looked at him before looking at Anna then me. She looked surprised, as if she hadn’t seen me there and that just made me all the more angry.

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