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The man laid on the hospital bed rather his death bed where he would take his last breath, where his soul would escape him and he'll be freed only to imprison himself in the cell to suffer the after math of his actions as it is said and there will...

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The man laid on the hospital bed rather his death bed where he would take his last breath, where his soul would escape him and he'll be freed only to imprison himself in the cell to suffer the after math of his actions as it is said and there will also be a question in after life 'How did you spend your youth?'. Suffice to say that he had his fair share of punishments waiting for him if Allah, The Oft-forgiving and The most Merciful didn't bestow His ultimate mercy on him and he knew He wouldn't, he was too late.

As she stood by the door, she took in his unearthly pale face and needles stuck inside his arms, him attached to different machines. The bruises and lacerations that scarred his handsome face. His busted and chapped lips moved as he tried to breath in and out no longer wearing an oxygen mask that might have aided him but he didn't believe, for nothing could have helped him survive except her. She could hear the continuous beep of the heart monitor diffusing in to the sombre environment of the white pristine room showing a fluctuating pattern of the heart beats. P Q R S T unaware that it'll flat line in less than five minutes and the defibrillators will do less to keep the man alive, prevent his imminent death.

He beckoned her closer with a move of two fingers one last time until she was inches away from him. He didn't have the strength to even lift a finger but with every last ounce of energy that was left in his body, he put his hands together 🙏 begging for her forgiveness and HIS mercy one last time. He rasped, each breath taking him closer to his fall.

'I beg of you. Please forgive me for the sake of Allah. Please.'

Twin tears escaped his blood shot eyes which might have been beautiful and radiant once but he still couldn't melt her frozen heart as she shook her head, denying his last request. The burning fire of hatred still alive in her brown eyes. She pulled away with distaste, her lips pulled in a frown. A rueful smile decorated his face as life slowly drained out of him.

'So this is the end.' Indeed it had been his tragic end and what he deserved. He remembered the words that he had uttered that day in the hospital to her. Every word hit him square in the face 'You deserve everything you got.' And those beautiful eyes had conveyed the same message.

She stood beside him as his lips moved yet again and he took a lunge full of air one last time. He was afraid of death but he could do nothing about it. She didn't press the emergency button or called the nurses instead just stood by him unmoving as the line flatlined and he lost himself to death.

Between life and death the doctors and nurses rushed in and defibrillators came alive,



His body jerked with the shock but she didn't quite understand at that time that it was not because he was thrown out of her life by fate for good but rather the electrical impulses that coursed through his already dead body.

'Time of death 5:45 am.' 5:35 am.

"And the tombstone said
in it's mossy breath
he loved a girl. "

Spin off  to Remarkable

"اس کی زیادتیوں کے باوجود میں نے اس کو وہ احترام دیا جس کی وہ ایک بیوی کی حثیت سے مستحق تھی تو  پھر میں کیسے آپ کو  کسی دوسرے آدمی کے پاس جانے دے سکتا ہوں؟"

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"اس کی زیادتیوں کے باوجود میں نے اس کو وہ احترام دیا جس کی وہ ایک بیوی کی حثیت سے مستحق تھی تو  پھر میں کیسے آپ کو  کسی دوسرے آدمی کے پاس جانے دے سکتا ہوں؟"

[Despite her abuses, I gave her the respect she deserved as a wife then how can I let you go to another man?]

He yelled getting up from the chair as it toppled backwards on the floor. He was shaking with contained rage as he saw his so called wife open her mouth to probably defend her disgraceful acts but closed it when Saleh took a step menacing step towards her.

'What do you want from me? What do you want me to do? آزاد کردوں؟ Do I divorce you now so you can do whatever you want and we can deal with the legalities later? If accepting me as your husband and living with me is so difficult for you, I should free you this second? Do I that do that!?' He suggested furiously, gesturing with his hands. His words transitionig from Urdu to English and then back to Urdu in unbridled fury.

"یاد رکھئیے گا اگر میں نے آپ کو دوبارہ اس کے ساتھ دیکھا تومجھ سے برا کوئی نہیں ہوگا-

اس بات کو اچھی طرح سمجھ لیں کہ آپ میری عزت ہیں اور میں اپنی عزت کو کسی کے بھی پیروں تلے روند نے کی اجازت کبھی نہیں دوں گا!"

[Remember that if I see you again with him, No one will be  worst than me.
Understand that you are my honor and I will never allow my honor to fall under any feet!]

He muttered angrily as he picked his suit jacket from the floor and straightened the fallen chair, briskly walking away from her.

'Salaar!' His booming voice echoed in the spacious living room when Salaar descended from the spiral staircase. Saleh heaved a sigh, he was glad Salaar hadn't been downstairs to witness him shouting at Sahar.

'Where are we going, baba?' Salaar questioned when Saleh held his hand in his own and pulled him along with himself.

'Let's go!' Saleh didn't offer him any explanation as he hurried out of the house, banging the door close and leaving a shamefaced Sahar behind. 

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