Deleted Scene # 4

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Chapter 15

'Do you remember when we first met, Anaam?' Alizeh inquired.

'I-I' couldn't forget even if I tried.' Anaam muttered as he stood up from the bench, picking the broken branch from the ground.

Alizeh didn't ask why, she was far too lost in her own thoughts to pay any attention to his but his words calmed the storm rising in her as she looked at him- really looked him and she felt her heart being wrenched out of her chest when she thought about not being able to see him.

Alizeh took a shuddering breath and grounded her teeth, next time that she opened her mouth, she succeeded in tilting Anaam's entire world, blinking back the tears brimming her eyes.

'This is the last time I am ever going to see you.'Alizeh said after a beat had passed between them, in silence and Anaam whirled around to face her.


'I am not going to see you, again.' Alizeh uttered, slowly. Every word echoed in his ears and reverberated in his weeping heart. 

'Where did this come from, Alizeh? Why would you say this? All this time and the only thing you wanted to tell me is you aren't going to see me, again? Why? Why wouldn't you want to see me, again?' Anaam asked, trying to maintain a hold on her before she slipped right through his fingers.

Every time. Every. Fucking. Time but Anaam still couldn't accept they weren't meant for each other.

Alizeh didn't say anything and fear began to engulf his heart as a sinking feeling grew in his gut.

'Did someone say anything to you, Alizeh?'Anaam's eyes shifted around them,'Point me in their direction and I'll take care of it it, for you. You don't have to worry about anything, Alizeh.'

'It's not that.' Alizeh muttered, tiredly as she wiped her cheeks.

'What is it, then? Tell me? Why do you always have to have the last word? Why is it so easy for you to just pick me up and drop me? Just like that.'Anaam snapped his fingers, together,'What about what I think? Do you even consider me while making these decisions? Think about me? What I say, does it even matter? Do I even matter?'Anaam buried his face in his forearm.

'You do, Anaam. You mean so much more to me than you think.'Alizeh uttered, quietly, her eyes downcast as she swallowed the ball of a thousand emotions stuck in her throat.

Anaam glanced at her with red eyes,'Then, what is it? What is it?'He grated out, coming to sit beside her, begging her to hear his silent pleas.

Alizeh hesitated and gazed at him for a moment as he sat with his head hung between his shoulders.

Anaam froze as she cradled his face in the palm of her hand and made him look at her. Her thumb caressed his cheek with slow, deliberate movements as she brushed a silky strand away from his forehead and met his gaze, wanting to drown in the darkest depths of his soul.

She had just one moment.

A shiver traveled down his spine and his skin blazed whereever she touched him, his heart a continuous racket inside his chest. Anaam should have pulled, away but he found himself, paralysed as a hand curled around the nape of his neck.

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