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Ardashir's calloused hands wrapped around Armineh's wrists and he roughly pulled her inside, banging the door of the room close. Armineh struggled to free her hands out of his tight grip when she saw him shaking with rage and she swallowed.

'What happened, Ardashir?' Armineh asked, softly. She didn't want to anger him further but even her gentle whisper did nothing to ease the chaos rising in his heart and the storm that followed in it's wake.

'What did I do? Why are you so angry?' Armineh asked, unable to find any reason for the wrath directed at her.

'Who were you with today?' Ardashir uttered with unbridled fury, his eyes narrowed on her face to catch the lie she wouldn't utter and Armineh's brows dipped further in confusion and for a moment, Ardashir's grip on her wrist slackened.

'What are you talking about, Ardashir?' Armineh frowned, catching his angry gaze as she once again tugged at her hand to pull it out of his grasp.

'Don't look so confused, Armineh. You know what I am talking about. Who were you laughing with?' Ardashir reiterated, his cheek popped when he clenched his jaw, breathing hard. He was fuming and she knew if she maintained her silence, she would suffer terribly at his hands and then, they would both regret it.

Armineh closed her eyes, recalling the events of the day, gathering the courage that seemed to desert her as his loud, booming voice greeted her ears. She had never been yelled at by a man, her father had never raised his voice on her and here, she was standing before her husband who was dishing out accusations at her.

'I-I' Armineh stuttered and somehow ended up infuriating him further as he jerked her towards himself. Armineh stumbled on her feet, grimacing as Ardashir tightened his hold and twisted her arm around her back.

'I am not going to ask again. Who was that man?' She felt his madness even in the minty breaths that careesed her cheeks, the prickly hair that tickled her jaw as he spoke eerily close to her ear.

'Leave my hand, you are hurting me.' Armineh snapped, scrabbling to shake him off her. She cried out in pain as he increased the pressure and she was sure her wrist would snap.

'Answer me.' He hissed.

'I-I don't know what you're talking about, Ardashir. I was in the office- office the whole day, sorting- sorting out a problem except-except when I had to attend a meeting to discuss- discuss about the company's gearing ratio. I talked to Sahir, my PA...' Armineh halted when her voice cracked towards the end and she could hear the furious thuds of her heart against her ribcage in her ears, '-and-and then I met with an old friend- friend of mine. We used to be close when we were teenagers.'

'Why is it, that it's been a few months since we first met and only a month has passed since our wedding and you constantly have a guy to accompany you? Why is it that for as long as I have known you, you have found two men who have been close to you? Please explain how close were you guys, I am sure close enough as you so much as without a thought put your hands on him and bear his hands on your person? What is it about you that seems to attract other men when you barely fight for my attention? Your husband?' Ardashir said, shaking her. Armineh's heart jumped in her throat. She stared at him, her eyes wide as he shared his unrealistic views with her.

'Care to enlighten me, Armineh?' Ardashir folded his arms across his chest with calmness that hadn't been there a few minutes ago, leaving her, alone as he rubbed his stubbled jaw, his steely gaze piercing holes into her, 'Exactly how many men have been close to you? Is there a list that I am unaware of? What's my number?'

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