Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Scents of the food were still lingering in the house as we entered it. I looked into the direction of which we were so hastily left a few hours ago.
The setting was so perfect and again, something in my life had to ruin this. I heaved a sigh.
"What is it sweetheart?", Max asked sweet as he hung up my coat.
"'s just.. I..."
Before I knew it water formed in my eyes and slowly fell down to my cheeks.
"I'm sorry I ruined this whole night."
Softly I cried.
"Oh honey. There is no need for you to be sorry, okay?", he said as he grabbed my head between his hands.
"You're not to blame. It's more than logical that you went and looked for her. We have enough time to have a thousand dinners more!"
He then pressed his lips onto mine which made me feel a little better
.When he kissed me nothing else in this world seemed to matter. It made me forget about everything, even though it was just for a few seconds.
"Do you want to go to bed?"
"Yes, I'm exhausted."
"So you know where your room is. I'll see you in the morning", he kissed me on my forehead and walked towards his room.
I just stood there, watching him open the door to his bedroom.
"Max I want you to hold me tonight."
Wow, that came out of nowhere!
He turned around to look at me, he then signaled his head for me to enter his bedroom.
There was nothing more that I wanted than his arms pressed around me tightly, feeling his slow but steady breaths blow in my neck and hear his heartbeat, with my ear laying on his chest.

I woke up in an empty bed. The smell of coffee filled my nose once I opened the door to the hallway.
"Good morning sweetheart", he welcomed me.
"Good morning", I said with a small smile.
My eyes liked what they saw here; a sexy man making me breakfast!
His pajama pants were hanging low on his waist, his torso was naked and his hair still a bit wet from the shower. He was flipping pancakes as if it was his daily job and then I'm not even talking about his perfect smile...
"Did you sleep well?", he asked as I walked up to him.
"Yes, I did next to you", I answered giving him a kiss on his cheek.
"Good, I'm glad you did."
Strolling over to the bar I poured him and myself a cup of coffee.
"I hope you're hungry", he said as he shove me a plate of pancakes.
"They smell delicious!"
I wasn't really hungry but I felt bad if I wouldn't eat at all. He really did his best and it did smell good. The only thing was, I could only think about my mother.
All the things she said to me last night and what the doctor told me.
"Mira, are you going to eat them or not?"
A little off I looked at him. "Oh yeah, sorry." I then grabbed my utensils and started to eat.
"So, do you want to visit your mother today?", he asked.
"I'm not sure yet."
"I'm still processing what the doctor told me."
Max frowned his eyebrows in confusion.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I haven't told you what he said yet."
His mouth formed a small smile.
"It's okay honey. We were both tired last night. And if you don't want to tell me at all, it's fine too. Just take your time, okay?"
My hands were wrapped around my coffee mug, as I stared at my pancakes.
Not really knowing what to say or do.
Max reached out for me and grabbed my hand, pinching it softly.
"You know what? Why don't you go take a long hot shower and I'll get this cleaned up", he whispered.
What did I do to deserve this man?
I did as he said and went to take a shower. Letting the words the doctor said flow through my mind and how I was going to explain to Max.
After my shower I went downstairs and saw Max was dressed too.
"Shall we go for a walk?"
"Sure honey", he said walking to the hallway to get our coats.
Silently we walked off his driveway, on to the main road.
"So, do you want to know what the doctor said to me yesterday?", I asked a little hesitating.
"If you don't mind sharing, yes."
"He told me she had a few psychoses and that they don't really know what's causing them."
I paused for a few seconds and took a big breath.
"I'm assuming that you didn't know about this, did you?"
"No, I didn't. I mean I had my conjectures, but I never knew for sure."
Again silence.
"It turns out she had been trying to escape before, but the nurses just caught her in time. They are going to inform my father today."
Max nodded his head in understanding to what I was saying.
We walked a few minutes while getting lost in our own thoughts.
"Are you scared for how your father and your brother are going to react?", he then asked.
"A little bit yeah, but I'm trying not think about it."
"If you want to, we can go visit your mother today?", he said looking at me.
I shrugged, not really knowing whether or not it was a good idea.
"I mean if you don't that's fine also..."
"I'm not..", I got interrupted by my phone before I could answer him.
I grabbed my phone out of my jacket pocket and looked at the screen to see who it was.
My head turned to Max and I looked at him, as he could give me the answer if I should answer it. He patted my shoulder and mimicked with his voice; you can do this.
"Mira! Why didn't you call us last night?! Huh?! Why?!", he screamed.
By the look on my face Max could see I was panicking. His hand gestured for me to stay calm.
I closed my eyes and heaved a sigh.
"Look, the doctor told me not too..."
"Fuck what the doctor said!", Julian screamed.
Tears were starting to well up in my eyes.
"Let me take it", Max whispered.
I handed him the phone and wiped away the tears with the back of my sleeve.
"This is Max here, Julian", he started.
"What do you want? I need to talk to Mira!", Julian yelled.
"There is no need for you to scream like that. Your sister is very up.."
He couldn't even finish his sentence.
"Listen here pal, we don't need you to interfere with our business. This concerns family and as far as I know you are not part of it, so stay out of this and give my sister back on the phone!"
"I'm not trying to get in between. I'm very well aware that this concerns your family", he calmly spoke. "But as I was trying to say, your sister is very upset right now. It's best if you just give her some time to process all of this. Oh and for your information, I care a lot about your sister, so if you ever speak to her again like that, you're dealing with me. Understood?"
My eyes almost popped out of their sockets when I heard what Max said. I couldn't believe he was sticking up for me like that.
"Here honey", he handed me back my phone.
"Max... I..."
"Was I out of line for saying that?"
His face looked worried.
"No! No, not at all!", I said and pressed my lips on his.
"Okay, I'm glad you're not mad", he laughed. "Your brother shouldn't speak to you like that. It's wrong."
"He's way out of line for doing so."
"Well, he's always done that", I shrugged.
"But why do you let him?"
"I don't know, it's just.."
Max stopped his pace and turned towards me, grabbing my shoulders.
"You should stick up for yourself more, Mira. You're way too sweet to them. You can't let people treat you like that."
All I could do was shyly look away, bending my head down a little bit.
He grabbed my chin between his thumb and his index finger, lifting my head up.
"You're too precious to be treated so bad. I won't let anyone do that to you anymore. You mean to much to me."
His ocean blue eyes looked deep into mine, again trying to pierce my soul.
What is this man doing to me?
"Promise me, you're not gonna let this happen again."
I nodded my head.
"No, I want you to say it baby girl."
"I promise."
"Not convincing enough yet, but for now I'll take it", he said and kissed my forehead.

A/N sorry this update took  me so long!! I'm sorry it's a little short but I will make it up with you in the next chapter! Hope you  guys liked it!

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