Chapter 15

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Narutos Pov

Once Sasuke had brought me home, I was accosted by a series of blows to my face. It wasn't anything that I wasn't already use to. The strong smell of alcohol laced my dads breath, and burned every part of my skin that it touched. My dad got one last punch in before he finally stepped away and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Want to know something Naruto, you deserve everything that is happening to you. I can't describe my hatred for you. Maybe if you were never born Kushina wouldn't-" He stopped talking, only to scrunch his nose and spit on my face. He walked over to the kitchen and grabbed another beer out of the fridge before retreating to his room. Once his figure disappeared from the hallway, I slowly pushed myself up the wall. Every muscle in my body hurt, and what hurt even more was the thought of my  existence being a burden to someone.

I was able to assess the damage in the bathroom mirror. My face was red and puffy, and one of my eyes was swollen shut. There was also various cuts scattered across my features. At this point, the physical pain did not bother me as bad as my mental pain did. I was tired, of everything. I let my finger graze my busted lip.

"That bastard made sure I couldn't hide it with makeup this time. I guess I won't be going to school until some of this heals up..." I sarcastically laughed at myself. As I spoke, my voice cracked, this time it wasn't from my screwed up vocals.

"I hate crying like this. I'm truly pitiful." I wiped my tears as I took one last glance at myself in the mirror. I don't recognize who I am. I'm not okay with living this way anymore.

As the days past, Minato's aggressive behavior never wavered. It didn't stop, no matter how physically exhausted I was. No matter how much time I needed to heal. One thing was clear, he wanted to keep me here to torture me as painfully as possible. One thing was off though, his aggressive behavior came in waves. Sometimes he was calm, and he was back to the person I had known from my childhood. He was caring. That never lasted. He was like a light switch. Constantly on and off on repeat. 

Finally, I got the rest I needed. My dad was completely wasted resulting in him being passed out on the couch for days. Once in a while I'd quietly sneak down to get food and water, but I was in constant fear of him waking up. Especially when I heard a knock on the door. My heartbeat sped up as I shakily looked over to Minato who barely shifted on the couch. I swallowed hard and made my way over to the front door. I made sure to barely crack it open. Just in case it was some ax murder or something. The door was suddenly shoved back and I winced as the bright sun stung my eyes that have been in the darkness for weeks.

"What the hell happened to you." I felt my heart race as my vision came back into focus.

"Sasuke..." tears welled up at the corners of my eyes as I tried to stop myself from whimpering. He stepped inside and gently touched all the bruises on my face. He frowned at my obvious attempt to get away from him.

"Naruto, who did this to you." I shook my head and shoved him away. The tears finally fell.

"Look, you have to leave. Please forget you saw me like this. I'll be back to school in a couple of days." My voice cracked with every word that came out of my mouth.

"There's no way I'm leaving you like this. You clearly need stitches before those wounds get infected." I felt a hand touch my shoulder, making me inhale sharply.

"My son is tough. He got into a fight with one of his little friends at school. Right Naruto." Sasuke looked down at me, sadness evident in his eyes as I nodded my head. Minato tightened his grip on my arm, and Sasuke furrowed his brow. I felt sick. Everything in the room was spinning, until finally, everything was black.

Sasuke's Pov

"Naruto!" I caught Naruto as he fell forward. His father stood over me, not making any move to call for help.

"Why are you just standing there! He needs help!" He shook his head and got down on his knee, so he was eye level with me.

"He is fine. Give him to me." I widened my eyes as he tried to pry Naruto from my arms. I jerked him back and stepped outside.

"Give him to me." He aggressively stepped forward and made an attempt to punch me, which I easily dodged.  My mind had put all the pieces together. Anger was the only thing I felt.

"You sick son of a bitch. How could you do this to your own son." He gave a nasty smile. All of my composure was completely gone.

Welp here it is. The moment you've all been waiting for. This is my thanks for all the beautiful comments you guys have been leaving on all of my stories. Plus an apology for never updating. And a public service announcement to let all of you know that I'm starting end of course testing this week


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