Chapter 7

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After class was over, Mr. Uchiha pulled me to the side of the room and waited for all the students to leave. Once the class was empty, he proceeded to tell me what was on his mind.

"Naruto was it? Feel free to come to me anytime if you need anything. I know we just met and you probably have a hard time trusting people, but you shouldn't be afraid to come and talk to me because I'd gladly help you with anything I can. I hope you will be able to have an amazing year with us here at Kohona HIgh. We are all very glad to have you here, and saying that I'd like to assign Kiba to be your personal guide around school. He has already talked to me about it so don't think your a bother to him." Mr. Uchiha held put his hand and held a bright smile upon his face. I didn't exactly know why, but I decided to shake hands back.

Before I decided to take my leave, I returned the smile and bowed my head in thanks. Maybe the people here aren't so bad, but who knows I may be wrong. He's probably just doing this because I'm a special needs kid; let me tell you something, I don't need anyone's pity because I have enough of that own my own.

As soon as I walked out of the classroom, I felt an arm sling around my shoulder and extra weight being added to my body. I smelled the familiar scent of dog and automatically figured out who slung themselves at me.

"Hey Naruto bet you cant guess who volunteered to be your personal guide," I looked over towards the smiling idiot beside me and pinched his hand, pulling it off of me in the process. He jerked his hand back and put the red irritated skin in his mouth as if it would help ease the pain.

'What are you a cat.' I continued to stare emotionlessly at the hyperactive brunette in front of me as he acted all offended.

"I'll have you know that I hate cats. I'm more of a dog person because  they are loyal and caring where as cats are mean and leave horrid scratch marks all over you skin, but I wont deny that those whiskers are a good look on you. I felt the heat come to my face; I'm usually not like this, but I cant help but tp blush when I get complimented because I'm just not use to it.

'Well thanks I guess' I shrugged my shoulders and looked down at the ground depressing myself yet once again thinking about how he's lying because I'm actually very disgusting.

"No man I'm being one hundred percent serious, but anyways we better get to our next class if we don't want to be late." He once again slung his arm around my shoulder, but this time I didn't stop him because there wasn't a point when he doesn't listen to  anything you say anyways.

~Time Skip-End of the school day~

I didn't really expect anything special from my first day or school in general, although I did make a friend today, and maybe perhaps became a friend with my teacher? I'm not very sure yet, but it seemed like he was concerned. Maybe I should take into consideration about the things he said. Will it do me any good to talk about my problems, and if it did could I trust him like he said I could?

I began my journey on my way home by myself, considering Kiba doesn't live in the same direction as me, but that's ok because I'm perfectly fine with walking home myself. The sun was already starting to set, when I finally reached my porch. I took a deep breath in before knocking on the door.

I winced when I heard loud footsteps coming from inside the hall. My anxiety only got worse from there when the knob on the door turned, and I saw my towering over me.

"Well what are you waitng for? Come in. This is your house too. I'm no stranger." I gave a quick uneasy smile and nodded my head as I rushed inside the house. Before I could walk into my bedroom, my dad grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Naruto I'm sorry for what happened this morning I wasn't thinking. As an apology, I bought you a new smartphone and fixed your picture frame. Its all upstairs in your room, so can you forgive me?" What? My dad is apologizing and acting nice. What is going on? Its like he's back to normal. Back to the old dad before the accident. I didn't understand, but I nodded my head anyways because I was scared that if I didn't he would beat me senseless again. He pulled out of the hug and kissed my forehead.

"That's a relief. Now go on up to your room. I'll cook dinner tonight." I again nodded my head because it was the only thing I could do as I stood utterly dumbfounded. I couldn't believe this was happening.


Rewritten Chapter



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