Chapter 1

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I'm quiet natured, or so I tell myself to make me feel better. I haven't always been this way after all. I've kind of just learned to deal with it over the years.

I live with so many regrets and they keep building on. Maybe if I did something different back then, I would still have my mom here with me today.

I could have listened to her and called the police, but instead I coward in the corner of the room while I watched the life be taken from her. Even in court ,I couldn't stand against my father.

That's right, my father. He was loving and caring at first, but then it all changed when my mother found out he had an affair.

He promised her it was a one time thing and it would never happen again, but she wasn't taking it. She packed our things and tried to leave with me, but my dad wasn't having things happen that way.

He changed after he took moms life. The sunshine and happiness left from his eyes and changed into rage and regret. He took that rage and regret out on me, as a result, I lost my ability to speak.

Things aren't all bad...

The chapters will get longer, but they're shorter for now just to see how the story goes.

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