Unwanted pool party

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''Melanie get up now!'' Chelsea orders .The only thing that will make me get out of this bed is if the devil personally comes and asks me to be the ruler of hell.I mean I already know that when I die I will be going there so why not live in luxury while there.

I groan loudly and shoo her with my hand.Can't a girl just sleep in peace,sometimes I think that the only way anyone would let me be is if I were dead but we all know that isn't happening soon.

 I peer at her through a hole that my very annoying brother made in my blanket.You won't believe what his excuse was for cutting a hole in my blanket 'Maybe there was a ghost in this room or siri did it!'He shouted and covered his mouth with his hand as if genuinely shocked.Idiot.

She scowls at me and stands hands akimbo.I ignore her and crane my neck to check my wrist watch 7.30am.


Who in the world of sponge bob wakes up at such ungodly hours!This is human abuse.I should be let to enjoy my beauty sleep.This is a violation of my rights and if it's not for the fact that I am nice,Chelsea would be behind bars by now. 

She brushes her hand through her blonde hair and just when she's about to start shouting at me I hold my hand up and wink at her.I cover my head with my blanket and shut my eyes.Ahhhh sleep come back to me

As I'm sure you all have noticed I am not a morning person[This is when sleep is sweetest]but somehow most of the people I know are morning people.Most of the time I wonder if they are human or Robots.

What if everyone in this world is a Robot except from me and my super power is being human so I can join the justice league .God I wish wishes were horses.

''Mel I only ask once get your a** out of that bed before I do something I will most likely not regret,'' she hisses.

I ignore her cause anyone who really knows me knows not to mess with me when I am still in sleep mode  unless your a psychopath cause everyone knows for a fact that I will most likely go all bull on them and I know for a fact that Chels isn't as daring as she says, or is she?

I ignore her and breath heavily so that it sounds like i'm sleeping .I really want to know what she has up her sleeves cause the Chels I know wouldn't even come five feet near me when I am asleep.She stomps her feet and exits my room muttering a string of profanities under her breath. Finally some peace and quiet.


''Guys time to initiate plan B.bring in the troops.''she hollers and I can't help but get a bit excited.Is this normal?She might as well be planning to pour acid on me and I am acting like a five year old being given candy .Even though I feel a little overjoyed I have this eerie feeling that this is gonna end by someone getting punched in the face by me.Oh well at least I enjoy punching people.

''Mark are you ready.'' a voice I place as Luke's shouts .I can't believe that my brother is taking part in this.TRAITOR!!! Looks like he'll be the one getting punched by me.

''She is going to chop our heads off ,drain us of our blood ,boil our bones and dump us in a dumping sight.''Luke adds and I smile lightly at how well he knows me forgetting that I am meant to be playing the sleeping card.

''Oh someone is having a nice dream.Don't get too imaginative when the real thing is right in front of you.''Nate says and I can clearly imagine his smirk.Someone better remind me to bury this Bozo alive later.

''Looks like a family of birds could live on top of her head'' Mark shouts while laughing.

Oh give me a break do I look like a Victoria secrets model to you.NO!So shut up cause like every other human being on this planet i wake up looking like a zombie.I mentally shout at him and he shuts up as if having heard me.They strip me of my blanket and I shiver slightly still used to the warmth

They grab my arms and legs and lift me or rather drag me off of my bed.They carelessly go down the stairs making me feel like hurling .I hit my head on a wall and it takes all the energy out of me not to kill someone.''Careful that's my sister.'' Mark reprimands .''Oh then if you care that much then why don't you tell them to take me back to my bed.''I whisper shout to startle them.

They all gasp and I connect with the hard ground head first ''ouch what the hell is wrong with you people.Do I look like a suck of potatoes to you!''I exclaim while rubbing my head.

''Well you always said you wanted friends who always tell you the truth so yes yes you do.Infact that big bump on you head makes you look more human now so.....''Nate say smugly but I cut him short of his useless blabbing ''Oh shut up it was a rhetorical question.''

''Sorry you startled us when you suddenly spoke,I thought you were asleep.I told you to never practice your stupid acting on us.''Chels scowls and folds her arms across her chest .No! no! no! she doesn't get to be mad at all ,I'm the one with a bump the size of mount Everest on my head not her plus I wasn't even practising my acting .Damn I'm good ,soon you'll be seeing me winning a best actor of the year award.

''So we have ten minutes to get to school and I have to get there on time.''Mark says while walking towards the front door''Oh and Mel get a new ride to school today I can't mess up my perfect attendance for you.''He adds then runs out the door while Luke and Chels follow after him while shouting ''He's our ride so bye.''.Wow what wonderful friends I have ,lucky me yay!

How ironic is it that my brother chose school over me.Stupid school is steeling my twin away from me and there is nothing that I haven't tried to do to stop it.I look up at Nate who is still watching me with an amused smile expecting him to run after Luke, Mark and Chels but he holds up car keys,my brothers car keys and winks at me''they aren't going anywhere without this.''

Oh God I wanna kiss this Bozo.''God I love you Nate marry me and we shall live happily forever after in LA.''I smile sheepishly and he snorts ''You do realise that you just proposed to a gay guy right?''

''Yup .''I say getting up and running up the stairs to get ready for school.

Useless school.

hey guys so this is the first chapter I really hope you like it and I know it's short but bare with me people this is the first book I have ever written . I will try my best on the next one which i will most likely be writing tomorrow .

Don't forget to comment I would like to know what you think of this so far and vote and share.ok now bye

Stay Beautiful Natasha/nasha/tasha

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