Chapter 8- Don't let anger get the best of you

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Hey guys exams are finally over wooh! But still more school :( and according to some of my teachers more assesment tasks :( oh well

I really like this chapter so hope you guys like it to


Niall's Point of View:

I slammed the door shut angrily and Mae and Noah looked up confused.

"Uh sorry" I muttered walking slowly behind them. I was walking them home. Harry cant steal ANOTHER girl from me! I wouldn't let him, usually I'd let it slide but Mae. She's different,

I've liked her ever since I left for the X-Factor, that's when I realised how much I'd miss her. I trudged along behind them my hands in my pocket.

"What's wrong with you?" I heard Mae say turning towards me.

My face went red.

I saw Mae whisper something in Noah's ear with a smirk plastered on her face. He snickered and stopped dead in his track shaking with laughter.

"What?" I demanded to know what they were talking

Everyone knew I was stubborn, I wouldn't give up.

"Just that your probably on your man period" Noah laughed grinning up at me.

I wasn't going to make a big deal of this, Noah was happy and I knew how much that meant to Mae. The frown slipped off my face and was replaced with and evil grin. Mae's eyes widened and she swung around and started sprinting in the opposite direction.

"Oh No You Don't!" I yelled after her grinning evilly "Noah come help!" I urged him.

He tagged along as we both chased Mae down the street her squealing as we chucked random objects at her, like flowers and dirt and small sticks. We laughed the whole way home, all the anger forgotten. I smiled to myself as I left...

Maybe I did have a chance.

Mae's Point of View:

~5:00 the same day~

I rummaged through the fridge looking for something to make a decent dinner. Nothing. I guess 2 minute noodles would have to do. At least Noah liked noodles. But I'd still rather give him a proper dinner. I stared out the window, the sun was setting and the dark night sky was starting to replace the grey overcast day.

I sighed. I had such a great time at Niall's house (His parents had moved about 40 minutes out of Dublin and bought another house here for when they wanted to visit for a while). Everyone was so nice and friendly...

Harry seemed to be extra friendly though.

I remembered snuggling up to Niall last night, he was such a great friend, I liked it how it was never really awkward like that. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Coming" I called tiptoeing down the hall trying not to wake Noah.

They kept knocking impatiently and I let out a frustrated sigh. Who would be here at this time anyway? I swung open the door just as they were about to knock again. There stood Zak, a tall muscly jock who was set on having me.

He had ash brown hair spiked and styled and skin so tan it was a miracle he didn't have skin cancer. Most of the girls at the school were always drooling over him but not me. I was the only girl he couldn't have, that's why he was trying to get me. He only wants what he can't have.

"Hey" he said in his deep husky voice.

I rolled my eyes "What do you want?" I asked sharply, closing the door as not to wake Noah.

He raised his eyebrows.

"No need to be uptight babe" he said before replying "I want you"

He pressed his arm on the doorway making it impossible to move.

"Just leave me alone Zak" I said, starting to get scared.

He leaned in his body close and his face inches from mine. I tried to move but I he just pushed me against the door.

I could feel his breath hot on my mouth "I'll never leave you alone" he whispered.

"Get off me" I growled at him. Trying not let the fear show in my eyes.

"Hey is everything ok here" I heard a concerned and familiar voice say from behind Zak.

Zak pulled away to reveal Panda Boy wearing his signature Panda hat. He held what looked like a hot container of spaghetti bolognaise.

"I was talking to her so just f#@* off ok?" Zak said gruffly.

Liam walked onto the porch and seemed to tower over Zak even though he was only a little taller. He looked down at him his eyes serious and protective.

"I don't think she does, do you want to talk to him?" he asked tilting his head towards me.

I shook my head furiously I'd never thought I'd see Liam like this. Going all fatherly and protective.

Daddy Direction as Niall had said. I almost smiled at this. I wasn't scared anymore I guess Liam had that effect on me.

"She doesn't want to talk so leave" Liam said gruffly "Now!" I heard him shout in Zak's face. I almost laughed at the fear struck on Zak's face. I knew Panda Boy wouldn't to hurt him, he wasn't the type, but he sure was intimidating.

"I-I'll see you later" Zak stuttered dodging around Liam and speed walking down the street.

"Hey are you ok?" asked Panda Boy resting his hand on my arm. I stared up into his chocolate brown eyes filled with concern.

I nodded reassuringly.

"I made some pasta and thought I should bring some over to you before Niall finished it all" he laughed.

We smiled at each other for a while then I looked down at me feet shyly.

"Do you want me to stay just in case he comes back?" Liam asked.

"Nah, we'll be fine" I assured him before taking the container and saying goodbye.

"Noah! Dinner!" I yelled smiling to myself.

Things were already starting to get better since Niall and the boys came into town.


Hey updating another chapter today too to make up for chapter 7 because it was really bad


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