Writers Block Sorry Guys!

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I've had writers block for ages I promise I'll brainstorm with my friend tommrorow so I can write ASAP in the meantime heres something me and my friends came up with (I wrote it idea was all of ours) its only like the first chapter and it aint one direction, i can change it though if you really want to and write it as a fanfic anyways here it is please give me some feedback :)

I woke up to the warm yellow light of the sun shining through my bleached white window. I smiled at the mismatching light brown wood with the bleached white windowsill. My quilt was patchy and all the colours of autumn leaves in soft beautiful patterns that Gran had made for me when I was little. I jumped out of bed and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

My whole house was cluttered with all odds and ends I dodged around everything in my room and once I got to the bathroom I stood in the bathroom doorway admiring all my stuff. There were stacks of books reaching all the way up to the low ceiling seashells and notebooks filled with drawings all over the shelves along the walls.

I walked over to my calendar and trailed my finger along the dates till I got to today. The day of wanderers. I was so nervous, what if I didn’t get along with anyone? I looked down at the little black maple leaf on my wrist and traced over it thoughtfully. It was the mark of the fallen. Somewhere out there was someone with the mark of the glacial who was supposed to end up with me. Every time I thought about it my cheeks would flush a deep red. What if he didn’t like me or worse what if I didn’t like him? I splashed the icy water onto my face and took a deep breath.

I got dressed in my favourite clothes. My cream patterned woolly stockings and patterned cotton dress. I wrapped my white frilly scarf around my neck and my brown beanie planted securely on my twisting honey brown hair.

I was wearing my favourite clothes, I didn’t know if I’d ever be able to come back home. Everything I wore was from my wardrobe except for my new light brown hiking boots. Some people were away for months before they were able to contact home. I was taking my brown leather backpack with me, food and some things to do, it was against policy and tradition to take anything like tents or firewood so if it rained I was screwed.

I hopped down the twisting stairs tracing my fingers across the rough brown wood. When I got downstairs I packed my bag till it was almost bursting from the top. “Scarlett breakfast!” my Gran yelled from the kitchen. I chucked my bag on the cluttered old couch and stepped into the kitchen. It smelt like homemade maple syrup and as soon as I walked in a warm feeling spread over me. I smiled at Gran with her short cut hair and checked apron.

She wasn’t your ordinary sweet old lady, she was nice but also pretty blank about things. I sat down at the old wooden table to see a pile of pancakes smothered in gooey warm maple syrup. I smiled up at her “thanks Gran”.  She shuffled over to the sink covered with dirty dishes and packets of flour and old pastry tins. “Don’t eat too much or you’ll get fat and not even Marlow will want you” she commented staring at my pancakes. 

I looked at her disbelieving “Then why did you make me a pile of pancakes if I’m going to get fat?!” I said. She just shrugged “It’s a special day”. I just laughed softly to myself and went on eating. I finished two pancakes and couldn’t finish any more. Gran always fed me too much.  I heard a loud yawn from the living room and the padding of paws coming towards the kitchen. I got up and knelt down to greet him. Marlow ran through the wonky doorway and jumped on me pushing me to the floor in a bear hug. I laughed and hugged him back petting his rough brown fur.

“Who’s the cutest little marsican bear in the world?” I said my face close to his. He knew today was special that we would be going on a long journey together. I got up and he put his paws on the table. “Nuh uh no pancakes for you” warned Gran looking at me sternly.  When she turned I got a small piece and fed it to Marlow, he ate it and hobbled away in content.

“I made some pumpkin pies for your journey, so your closer to home” Gran smiled. She always thought of everything, eventually it was time to go and there was no point of putting it off any longer, I gave Gran a huge hug and walked into the woods, Marlow beside me. Out to find the wanderers.

aha so this is what went on in my humanites, gosh I miss that class. We never worked we basically just brainstormed and decided what we would want if we had super powers :D

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