Chapter 9- No One Can Find Out

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  • Dedicated to All the people who suffer from depression, stay strong xx

*warning this contains self harm*

If you don't want to read this chapter Skip to the end and I'll sum it up so you don't have to read it in detail, I don't want you guys to be uncomfortable or stop reading because of this chapter xx :)


Someone's Point of View: ~ it's a secret ;) ~

I slammed my door shut and locked it. I sat down on my bed and ran my hands over my face in stress. What was I doing? There was no way I could do that it would crush him. Why did I feel so empty? Tears began to stream down my face. This is so stupid.

My head was pounding with all the thoughts swimming furiously around my head. I walked into the empty hallway and my eyes dragged over to the bathroom and the razor in the back of my draw suddenly came to my mind.

I looked down to my wrist and slid the bulky bracelets up my arm. I stared at the ugly pale scars marked permanently on my skin. I had only done it once or twice. It made me feel better, when that pain overcame that of the feelings I had.

I walked over to the mirror and stared at myself, my hair was a mess and deep purple bags had taken refuge under my dull looking eyes. My eyes were puffy and red .I was hideous how could people even bare to look at me let alone want me.

I shoved the draw open roughly and grabbed out the razor. I shut the door and locked it. I leant against the door and slid down slowly. I couldn't bare these feelings. I had to do something. I slid off my bracelets and stared down at the razor breathing raggedly.My vision was blurred with tears, hopefully I wouldn't miss.

I pressed the blade against my skin and a little bead of blood appeared. I slid it along my wrist and the crimson liquid that I longed to see began to ooze out. The pain started and a weak smile slipped onto my face. I liked the feel, it felt right. It was better than the emptiness which seemed to fill my chest.


Hey will try and update soon

If you or a friend self harms please get help and stay strong :)

Chapter sum up:

They (which character it is currently unknown in the story) feel empty and sad feel like what theyre feeling wrong and not right because they will crush 'his' feelings( who the he is, is unknown) They say that they have only cut themselves a few times and they go to the bathroom and themselves

Sorry if I didn't sum up the chapter well

~ Molly♥ xoxo

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