Chapter 16- Con Air

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I have no exuse as to why i havnt updated i feel like a total asshole though I really do, I'll be updating more often now that I'm on holidays and cause ZaZa is nagging me :P aha sorry



Liam's P.O.V

The guy deserved what he got as he fell to the ground unconscious. As much as revenge might feel good I always hated resorting to violence...Even if the person deserved it. I took in a deep breath trying to control my still raging temper. How could anyone even think to harm Mae in any way, even if they were drunk... I stared down at Zacs body and as his chest rises and falls raggedly. For once I wasn't in control of the situation anymore, I had no idea what to do.

Mae was still clinging to my arm and shivering slightly.

"Shhh Hey, it's okay, everythings going to be fine" I whispered pulling her in close.

Even in a situation like this I couldnt deny that I loved the way she felt in my arms, as if she belonged there, we belonged, right now and there.

"W-we can't just l-leave him" she stuttered.

I held her a little closer and shushed her, wrapping my arms around her in comfort.

Mae buried her soft head of hair in my shoulder. I kissed the top of her head, because its what felt right in this situation... maybe she didn't notice? I thought hopefully.

"Does he have any friends from around here" I asked my voice still rough from being half asleep not so long ago.

She nodded and pointed to a house across the yard of the one we were next to. Must've only been the next street over.

"That's his best friends house, the guy who had the party" she croaked.

I lifted the guy up and put him over my shoulder, he was quite heavy because he was well built, but I'd survive.

I held Mae's delicate hand using the one that wasn't supporting Zac. And it felt like she was clinging for dear life.

He started to stir but was too weak to walk on his own so I continued to carry him.

We rang the doorbell and a confused and tired looking guy answered the door. His hair was black and scraggly and pointing in all directions, other then that he was your typical looking high school jock.

He looked at Zac hanging over my back and sighed rubbing his eyes. He Signalled for me to hand him Zac and i handed him over. he held him up letting Zac lean on him.

"I'm sorry for anything he did, he can be a real douche sometimes" he spoke, Zac just whined softly in response.

Mae was still holding my hand, but with the other she patted the guy's the arm in thanks.

Then we left.

Mae's P.O.V

I held onto his hand as we walked back to my house snuggling into Hazza's jumper a little.

As we reached the steps a shiver went down my spine, now he was going to leave...

I turned to the door too nervous to ask him to stay. As I turned the key o heard him utter something.


"I said I can stay if you want..." He smiled sheepishly.

I had to hold back a grin in reply.

"That'd be great" I replied.

I was a little nervous about him coming into the house... It wasn't exactly in the beat condition, all I did was study and make sure Noah was happy.

I stared at my surroundings before letting him in, the walls were rough and splintering with dark wood and the floor was the same. Dishes cluttered the kitchen as well as 15 used two minute noodle cups.

There were some clothes askew on the floor and a chair tipped over from one of Noah's tantrums. And that wasn't even the half of the mess

In short it looked like a bomb hit. I cleared a path to the small living room with my foot my head down to cover the faint blush on my cheeks.

He paused looking around then just followed my steps trying to avoid the things scattered on the floor.

"I tripped over a noodle cup onto the couch and he joined me, the only things in the room were the scratchy materiald couch and a blanket hanging over a chair... Minus the rubbish that is. We couldn't afford a TV.

"So what do you want to do?" He said awkwardly tapping his foot on the ground.

"Ummmm I- we could- wait! One second!" I said dashing into the other room and stumbling over some things.

I quickly looked into Noah's room and smiled. Still sound asleep.

I grabbed it and hurried back to the couch, grabbing the blanket on the way.

He looked at me puzzled tilting his head to the side... And I couldn't deny he looked adorable.

My heart thudded a little louder as he inched a bit closer , and the damn sink in the couch wasn't helping.

I could feel my face heat but I just tried to ignore it.

"Hazza leant Noah his portable DVD player" I explained.

"Hazza...?" I heard him mutter, something not meant for my ears.

I ignored it and popped out the only disk we had in the house... Con Air...

We both laughed. Oh we'll it'd have to do.

"I bet John'd love to be here" I heard Liam mutter.

I looked at him quizzically but he just smiled goofily at me.

We popped in the movie and turned off the lights enjoying each others warmth.

Liam's P. O. V

We sat there all snuggled in the blankets about halfway through the movie when I caught her staring up at me. She quickly looked away her cheeks adorably a cherry red . She felt my stare and looked back up at me curiously.

We were so close I could feel her breath on my lips as we both leant in closer her eyes fluttered shut. Then Niall's hurt face flashes through my mind.

I saw the way he looked at her when she was with Harry

I stood up abruptly, "I'm sorry I can't do this!" I exclaimed and quickly ran out the door and back home to a safe place. Leaving Mae confused and alone.


Sorry for the sudden P.O.V changes, but I kinda needed them

Added a little homestuck refrence in there ;)

Sorry unedited

Okay this is being added like legit 3 years later. I'm not going to continue on with this I'm sorry I only really keep this up to look back on how much I've improved really. My writing of Harry with depression was inaccurate and insensitive and just plain idiotic as was like my writing like why does she just collapse all the time like oh I'm thirsty then BAM suddenly fainted also randomly has no parents?? Anyway. Just to all you writers out there if you feel unsure or self-depreciative about your writing, don't! Put it out there! Save it, never delete it, look back and see your improvements or find your way again if you've strayed down the wrong path and don't force yourself to write things for popularity, write what you love the most even if it's not going to get you tons of reads. Write what you love, do research, read books. Search up techniques and write write write I have faith in you that you can become a wonderful author. No one ever stops learning and writing should be a passion, not work.

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