Chapter 10: The Cherrio

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I know it's not Thursday, but as I posted, I'm a bit busy this week and didn't know when I could give you the next chapter. So I decided to just give it to you early. Yay! I present to you, Chapter 10. Comment and vote if you enjoy :)


Nina walked up behind me after we were far from the group of boys and wrapped her arm around mind so we were walking side by side. It took Jacob a second, but he caught up to us and joined our side. Before speaking Nina looked over her shoulder to make sure none of the boys had followed us.

"What just happened?" She goggled at me.

I tried to keep a calm air, but on the inside I was freaking out. That was awesome! I just told off one of the most popular boys at school! And, as if it couldn't get any better, I had the last say. It left him speechless, at least from what I heard. I walked away before he could say more. But that was good enough for me.

All the guys seemed surprised that a little thing like me would say that. Deep down I wondered what Aiden thought. I wonder if he was impressed. I could picture him looking at me approvingly. Why did he step up for me when Brice grabbed me though? He didn't even know me. It was probably because he saw how uncomfortable Jacob was. Nothing to do with me.

Jacob seemed a little take aback also, he walked silently next to Nina staring at me. He was also awaiting for a explanation on what happened.

"Well, I don't know. But it sounded pretty dang cool," I said finally letting the seriousness wash off my face and a huge grin replaced it. I still can't believe I did that.

"Holy cow." Nina looked ahead of us, and by the look of it she was replaying the scene in her head, "you bet. I can't believe he just grabbed you like that. I don't know what I would have done if he had done that to me."

Suddenly I remembered that Jacob had refused to give the paper to me. He had stood up for me in front of his cool friends. He really was a good friend.

I let go of Nina's arm to hug Jacob, "thank you for standing up for us"

"Hardly, I brought you there. I should've known they were going to do something stupid. Sorry about that, I didn't know they would do that do you," Jacob scratched the back of his head, "I wouldn't have brought you in there if I knew they'd do that. I could have guessed they would play the game, but maybe go a little bit lighter. I wouldn't have imagined- I thought they would have some dignity." He rambled out a apology.

"It's fine, you didn't know," I said reassuring him. He still looked a little bit shook about it, Jacob was a genuinely nice fella. I'm sure he just felt terrible that his guy friends treated us like that. He was probably beating himself up about it.

"Really Jacob, it's fine. Don't stress it." Nina said walking next to me. "If anything, I think Gracie is glad you brought us there." She grinned at me as we approached our spot back at the lockers, "She got some serious 'street cred' with the guys. More importantly with one guy." She grinned at me, obviously referring to Aiden.

Jacob looked between us worried, Nina smiled a devious smlile. I wouldn't do that, I shot her a look like that said, nuh-uh. But the thought still kept into my mind, before I shooed it out.

"Don't tell me you're into one of those guys," Jacob said, a look of concern on his face, "You don't want to get tangled with those guys. They're not that good of people, you saw today. There are so many better people in this school."

"Who, like you?" Nina joked.

Jacob answered with a side smile, "well, if I do say does myself-"

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