Chapter 13: Detention p2

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When I reached the cabinet, Aiden had already beat me there and was going through it. He crouched on the ground in a squat, and was bent over leaning into the deep pantry cabinet, riffling through the supplies. I could hear him clanking around trying to find the item's Mr. Smith told us about.

I wasn't going to fight him to get the cleaning supplies. I didn't see a point in it, so I let him dig to find it. He seemed like he wanted to get it for me anyways, so I thought I'd let him have this one.

I looked around the room fiddling with the sleeves of my jacket to distract myself from the boy who was half way in the cabinet. Impatient with how long it was taking I finally looked back down at him. Tapping my foot I tried to wait, but he seemed to be taking his sweet time.

He's been down there for quite a while, how much stuff is down there? I slightly peaked over his shoulder. It looked very empty in there. What exactly is taking him so long? He started humming a song, just to be obnoxious. I crossed my arms annoyed, he is obviously just doing it for attention now.

He clanked some more bottles to make extra noise, making it sound like there's some serious stuff going on down there. Is the teacher oblivious to all this noise, and stalling he is doing? Is he not suspicious  at all?

I looked over to see the teacher fighting with his laptop again, trying to get his email to work or something. He doesn't seem to care what we are doing. As long as we are serving our time I guess. I mean it is punishment enough that we're losing out precious hours that we're not at school.

Unexpectedly, a rag came flying at me. With no time to react, and no catching ability at all, it hit me in the face. I quickly pulled it off my face annoyed. I felt my face blush pink from embarrassment (again, I wish I had put more markup on. I didn't think today would be so eventful. Plus, all the makeup I had on in the first place had washed off during lunch), then red from anger. He did that on purpose! I saw a flash of Aiden's smile, probably at his success at catching me off guard, as he disappears back into the cabinet.

I crossed my arms. Congratulations Aiden, you have succeeded in annoying me in the first few minutes of working with you.

He continued to hum a tune and clank a few things around.

I rolled my eyes, arms still crossed, "Are you lost?"

This has gone on for too long. Was he really that desperate for attention?

He took a minute before finally emerging. "Gotcha," he came out with two squirt bottles in his hand, and stood up to face me, even though he ended up having to look down at me. He looked very satisfied with himself, then looked down at me, "it's a mess down there, trust me," he tried to explain himself.

I took a peak, and sure enough it's empty other than a few other bottles of cleaning supplies and a small pile of rags, "Yeah real messy," I answered as sarcastically as possible. He noticed where I was looking and quickly closed the door with his foot. Smooth.

He held the bottle out to me and when I grabed it he smiled and said, "Let's get to it, partner," and turned with a wink before walking to the first table.

I was left there stunned for a moment. Did he just wink at me? If he thought that was going to get me, he would have to do better than that.

He walked over to the nearest table and pulled the chairs out around it, leaving space for both of us and casually started spraying down the table.

I huffed and uncross my arms, if he thinks I'm about to fawn all over him because he made me a space to work next to him, he's mistaken. I directly walked past his station, making a obvious extra effort to walk around the chairs that he pulled out. I didn't look at him once, but could feel his gaze following me as I maneuvered around the chairs instead of the path he so 'kindly' made for me.

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