Chapter 11: What If

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Before I knew it, it was the last class of the day. Luckily, I have my last class with my two best friends, Jacob and Nina. Things have calmed down since lunch, and Jacob said that he 'took care of it'. I don't know what that means, but the answer seemed to satisfy Nina, so it satisfied me too.

In our English class we were writing a essay, which is all we are ever doing in this class. I'm pretty sure our teacher, Mrs. White, just doesn't like to teach so she gives us essays to write instead. But she grades really easy so it isn't stressful at all.

She gave us a topic to write about at the start of class.

Our topic is , when we experienced something for the first time. Nothing big came to my mind right away, even though I've experienced lots of things for the first time. I'm sure I experience something new every day! I mean for the first time ever my nightmares came to life! But I couldn't write about that for a English paper. I don't even know what I write about that experience.

Thought, now that I think of it, it would be hard to write about. Well, I guess I write about my nightmares every night in my journal. Not to toot my own horn, but I think I do a very good job in writing about those things. Over time I've gotten very expressive and have extended my vocabulary to describe things that happened in my nightmares. So figuring out how to write it in words wouldn't be hard. But even if I were to write about, the teacher would

Most the kids were writing feverishly to get the paper done so they had some spare time in class. It wasn't a stressful paper, if it were a final or anything I would have already started and be working really hard on it. But I knew this was just a essay to replace the lesson, so I figured I'll write the essay at home.

I stared at the bright laptop screen that only had my introduction paragraph. Then I looked over and Nina and Jacob typing away.

"You guys are actually doing this?" I asked, resting my head lazily on my hand.

Nina took a moment to finish her sentence before looking up, "yeah, I figured that this is so easy, I'll just type it up real quick now and not have any homework tonight."

She was smart by thinking that. But I just wasn't feeling it today. I would get it done, even if it was at like midnight. But I probably won't be able to sleep and will have plenty of time anyways. If I'm going to be up super late, I might as well have something to do.

Jacob didn't stop typing when he spoke, "this is pure art," he was clearly talking about his essay, "if I stop now I'll loose my train of thought."

"Ok, then," Nina laughed at his comment, "let see if this 'art' can get you an A."

No matter how easy the project was, or as easy the teacher was, English just wasn't Jacobs strong suite.

"Anyway," Nina said pausing her writing, "after school we should really go to the mall. One, we are way over due for a mall trip," Nina explained as if she was presenting the idea to me.

We went to the mall all the time. When we hung out it was usually at my house or her house, or at the mall. We did prefer going to the mall though, because we liked looking around. But also people watching, at looking at cute single boys. But that stays between me and Nina.

"And second," Nina continued, "I need to get a new purse. Last time we went to the beach it got a little wet. Let's just say when we went to play frisbee the tide came up a litte higher then expected."

"The cute brown one we got last time we were at the mall?" I asked, because that was a cute purse!

" Yeah,"

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