Chapter 3: Stalker!

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Steam filled my kitchen as we boiled water. The air was warm and my mothers hanging kitchen utensils looked down on us.

Nina was at my house to watch the previous season of our favorite TV show before the finale came out this weekend. We needed to get completely refreshed on the past episodes so we could enjoy the finale to its full potential. It was only our favorite show in the whole universe. It wasn't her first time in my house, she was often in it. It was like her second home, she had once told me.

Jacob would normally be here to, but he had made plans. I sort of felt bad that we aren't waiting for him to watch it. But it's not our fault he made plans, its his! So we are watching it without him it looks like.

"Green, red, purple, orange, and yellow" I read the flavors that I had bought from the store earlier that day.

"And..." Nina leaned on the counter waiting for another flavor.

I knew what flavor she wanted, and it was in the basket. But I didn't mention it and pretended it wasn't there. "And?" I acted clueless.

"Um, blue. Duh." She leaned over closer to the counter trying to peak into the basket to find her favorite flavor. I pulled it closer to my chest so she couldn't see inside.

"Blue? I must have forgotten it," I dug through the basket once again ignoring the neon blue box that was nested at the bottom. "Yep, I don't see it. Guess it completely slipped , my mind." I teased, waving my hands in the air like the wind blew the thought away.

I couldn't forget. Number one, because I knew it and she only texted 3 times to remind me when I told her I was going shopping. And two, my mom wouldn't let me forget. Not only was to Nina's second home, but Nina was like a second daughter to my mom. I looked down, and saw the blue package peaking out at me.

Her eyes narrowed, I didn't fool her. Pivoting on my foot I turned over my shoulder to the kitchen sink, leaving the basket for her to dig through, and started to wash my hands. From behind my back I hear her let out a loud laugh.

"I solved the mystery, you're color blind," she admired the box in her hand.

"Ok detective, why don't you pick out my color since I wouldn't be able to see it," I dried my hands off and grabbed our usual bowls and whisks and set them out.

"How about, green!" she pulled it out and looked at it like she found gold.

Taking it from her hand, I cut both the boxes open and poured the powder into the bowls. We do this so often its second nature, it's become a regular routine. We danced around the kitchen pouring, wiping, turning on and off the stove, talking and joking the whole time.

I felt like I could get away when I was with Nina, nothing mattered. All there was in the world was jello and Nina's loud laugh. Trust me, it was loud. It was indeed one of a kind, I bet one day someone will fall in love with that sound.

We settled down and started doing the best part, the whisking. This in when Nina and I just talked, about whatever we wanted or whatever popped into our heads. Or it could even be gossip. But whatever it was, we talked, and I loved it.

"I wonder how jello would taste of you just drank it," Nina looked down into the blue jello she was stirring. "Before you refrigerated it, when it's still liquidity."

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