chapter || 01

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*future mia here 👀 i suggest you guys to not be a ghost reader. what i mean is - please interact. leave comments, share your views, vent if you need to, im here if you guys need to talk. interaction also motivates me to write better. so kindly interact. thank you.*

•∆ | Chapter One ;; punching the quarterback

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•∆ | Chapter One ;; punching the quarterback

< Levi's P.O.V >


I glanced at the crowded school from the top of the awkwardly placed pillar.

Hailsham High buzzed with a definite energy of excitement and hope as people wandered about. Students stood around in clichéd groups, everyone seeking happiness from the people they liked or pretended to like, in most cases.

There were the jocks who stood by the corner of the large common field as they laughed at something which was probably not even that funny, their varsity jackets shining from across the field. They had a reputation to keep and wearing that varsity jacket was enough to get you a pass to their not-so-prestigious company.

As I looked further, my eyes came across geeks that sat at a decent distance from the jocks, and from here it looked like they were discussing something serious. They were always like that. Avoiding problematic jocks and the rest of us 'not-so-intelligent' people.

Then there were the usual outcasts scattered around the field, their hoods up to avoid anyone coming close to them. To me it seemed stupid to try to not gain attention by putting on black goth clothes that are bound to not blend in with the crowd. But most of us left them alone, only the jocks laughing at their expense from time to time.

There was Sam Claffin and his friends, no wonder surrounded by girls who giggled and laughed, fawning over their looks and completely ignoring the perverted looks that some of those guys were passing them. They were in it for the looks and I couldn't understand why.

Stacie O'Connell, with her minions, Roslyn Hugh and Jasmine Stone stood further away, their pink dresses shining from a mile away making me nearly cringe at the sight. There was something about pink that usually had me gagging.

Lastly there was Maia Oberain, sitting in the far corner of the field, away from all the chaos of Hailsham, with Lizzie Owens and Hazel Forbes, her best friends. I was still trying to get a better look at them when I heard a loud voice calling out my name, making me nearly fall off the pillar.

'Levi Thompson! You come down that pillar right now boy or I swear to God, I'll fucking slaughter you and throw your pieces to the pits of hell!' I flinched at the booming voice, regretting the decision of going against her.

'Coming down!' I came down the pillar in a swift movement and walked towards Lana. Meeting her glare, I cringed.

Lana Wilson, my best friend looked sternly at me. Her brown eyes seemed to be glistening today while her short brown locks moved slightly with the summer winds. Her eyes reflected something surreal; joy of seeing me or fear for my impulsive habits. Or maybe simply care. She was a bit of a mystery. The way people around her, including me were, according to her, her responsibilities; it wasn't a surprise that sometimes she was worried beyond measure.

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