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(Chapter in third person.)

"Andrea, I am going to tell you about certain people here and you will soon get acquainted to the whole gang." Arthur spoke.

Andrea had talked to the gang yesterday too when she told them to look for Maia, so she knew some of them. Actually, she knew most of them. So she told her father that it was fine, to which he frowned.

"I have talked to them before. Just continue." She said.

"OK. So now you have to choose your inner-gang. They are the people who always look out for you as you do the same in return. They would know your plans and help you execute them."  He said, gesturing her to go on.

Andrea gazed at all of them.

Six. She needed six.

Castor. He was known to be able shoot anything from 60 mile range, if he had the right gun with him. And if not, he could simply use a knife too well to even pit a master chef to shame.

Cole. He was an outstanding driver. He could lose a car stalker in about a snap of fingers. He could drive swiftly through the worst of situations and had a cool mind.

Lizzie. She was an excellent fighter, trained in more than eight martial art forms. She could be beasty with bare hands.

Hazel. She was a complete computer whizz. She could hack into the safest of security systems and come clean without them knowing. She could probably fry your mind with the programming she knew.

Paul. He is know to be deadly. Man of actions not words. He kept silent but when it came to beating someone. He was the man. He could beat someone to pulp and even more till they looked like ham between your burger.

And lastly, Kevin. HE could do everything mentioned above including the fact that he was totally like a Greek god. That's look wise.

But Andrea knew better than to fall for looks. Way better.

"OK. So my inner- gang will be~ Castor, Cole, Lizzie, Hazel, Paul and lastly Kevin, who will be my second in command." She said and watched as they got up.

She got up too and nodded respectfully at them, and then sat back down. They followed.

"Now, how are we heading in Maia's case?" Andrea asked. Everyone sat still as Kevin spoke up.

"We got a heads up but we don't know who it's from. As you see, Maia has been kidnapped. The location could not be tracked but the bastard had the audacity to send a video. We have it here if you want to see it." He said.

"Yes, go ahead." Hazel took out a tab and after typing furiously handed it over to me.

I watched as the screen slowly lit up, but ever so slightly. I could see a white room with nothing around but a bed.

Only a bed on which lay Maia, her limbs tied to the four corners.

She seemed to be struggling. She looked furious, as her clothes stuck to her body. She was wearing shorts and a big T-shirt. She was screaming her lungs out at someone behind the camera.

"Say Hi sweety." The voice cheered.
And my breath hitched in my throat.

I stopped breathing. And my eyes stung. I begged myself. I begged that supernatural power above.

Please don't be him. Please . Please.

"You would say Hi to a very fine slap across your face once I'm free! You asshole!" Maia screamed.

I was proud of her. She was putting up a fight even though that seemed quite useless seeing that she was tied.

"Uh-hun. Is that what your family taught you? Behave yourself Maia."
He said. I could hear shuffling, he was moving forward.

"Oh I totally would. But you see, I am easily affected by company." She spoke, grinning ear to ear.

He chuckled and then moved into the vision. My eyes widened as my suspicion came true.

It is him. HIM.

He moved in closer and slowly came up beside Maia on the bed. His finger brushed off a lone strand of hair from her face and she writhed.

"You touch me you asshole, and I will castrate you and feed it to my hungry flesh-eating dogs!" She screamed.

At this his hand very leisurely came up to grab her face. Though he made it seem gentle, Andrea could see his taught muscles through the shirt.

"You will not talk like that to me. Have patience darling, we are only started yet. And you don't have to worry. We ain't finishing soon." He said, trailing his hand over Maia's face.

"Oh. On the scale of 1 to 10, my patience is at FUCK YOU!" She screamed again, flinching back from his touch.

Andrea knew that touch very well. Very very well.

"Don't worry. We will be doing that soon." And with that he looked at the camera.

"You can't do anything this time Lana. I will take my leisure time with your sister and when I get bored I will trade you with her. Because truly speaking, you know who I actually want. So yes, stay away. Or else you know." He smirked and then the screen went black. Andrea was fuming with anger.

How dare he?!?! With Maia!

She turned towards the room, looking at everyone. All their eyes were trained on her.

How could she tell them that this was all because of her.


So she cleared her throat.

" I want everyone to distribute into small areas and find her. But remember do not be too evident about it. And wait for my command to start the patrol. Now disperse." She said and then eyed the inner gang.

"Hazel, I will be calling someone. Try tracking it." She said, and dialled the blocked number.

The ring went thrice and he picked up.

"If it weren't for my sweetheart." He said cheerfully.

Andrea gagged. Anything but his sweetheart.

She huffed, not ready for this. She eyed Hazel who shook her head, indicating nothing.

Andrea drew in a breath then spoke.
"Hi Xavier."


Hey Readers!
If you are wondering if this is the Xavier of the dance. Wait for the next chapter .
And BTW Xavier Black and Aidan Black are not related people.
Haven't you ever met a person with the same surname.
Open your minds guys.

Well, have fun dying in suspense.

Loads of love,

P.s I gave you two chapters. Be happy....

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