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Maia's P. O. V

My car sped past the buildings in a frenzy.

As soon as I had found the gun in Stephen's room, I had gone into ninja mode. And now the black and grey gun rested on the shotgun seat, wrapped in a handkerchief.

I was driving way out of the required speed limit but for now I didn't care. The fact that there was a gun in my brother's closet drawer was too much of a shocker.

I reached my father's business building, parked the car haphazardly and rushed inside. Moving into the elevator I pressed the number 113.
As the door opened I hurried inside his oak doored office.

"I need an explana-" But I cut myself of as noticed who was siting in the seat in front of my dad's desk.

"What the fuck are you doing here Stephen?!" I exclaimed.

"Language Maia." Dad said sternly.

"Dad I found a gun in his closet. Why was there a gun in his drawer? And  now, What is happening? Wasn't he supposed to be in France right now?" I asked, hyperventilating.

"Calm Maia dear. I am very proud of you." My dad said, making me confused even further.

"I didn't really do any.... " I tried reasoning.

"Oh. You unintentionally did. You befriended Lana Wilson. And also unintentionally led us to our target straight. You did something that Stephen wasn't able to do."

"What do you mean? Why did Stephen have a gun? Can you kindly answer that question first? And this surely doesn't look like a normal business office. I need an explanation." I said, looking around the disarrayed office.

The office was wooden and black reminding me of the burnt wood, heavy with the scent of something distant. The walls were adorned with various weapons and ammunition, as if ready to be used any minute. One side had a huge bookshelf and the other had our ancestral portraits. The portraits contained Dad, Mom, Stephen, Nany Lily, Nana Phineas and I. The desk top had various files stacked on top of it, papers nearly falling off the top. The various files had different names on it.

The office looked suspicious. Nearly dangerous.

Then my father and brother shared a look and dad finally cleared out what was wrong.

After he finished off I was still a bit too confused.

"So I'm the daughter of a ganster, who runs the gang called Vendetta and who is adamant on killing my friend because of his rubbish business enemies close attachment with her. And why didn't I know this? Because you wanted me to be safe." I said out loud.

I gave him a sceptical look. I knew they weren't telling me everything. I knew they were lying to me. They were still hiding something important from me.

I was just about to speak when the door opened.

"We are ready for the attack. Now!" said Jessie, my father's assistant.
I looked at my dad, with loads and loads of hatred.

"You are a monster. You touch her dad. And we are done. I will not let this happen." I said but just then Stephen came up and pushed me into the closet beside the book shelf.

As I was about to reach out, he slammed the door and I heard it getting locked from outside.

"You are going to stay in there while we do our job. I am sorry Maia." My Dad said and then I heard him moving out.

I could hear cars moving out in the distance but it could have been the traffic. I wasn't sure.

I slammed the door. This looked so easy in the movies but I wasn't trained in different martial arts for nothing.

I stopped for a minute.

Why hadn't I noticed all the time they left clues for me to pick up on?

The training I was put through because of Dad. The shooting that I had to excel in because of Dad. The way my Dad always insisted on me having a bodyguard around, as if I would die the second I left the house without one. The suspicious meetings he went to. The kind of people he met.

It all made so much of sense. Like all my life I had been oblivious to all of this.

Now is not the time to think about it Maia! You have to save Lana!

Shaking my head, I slammed against the door again and it came down.


I rushed out, surprised to see that no one was around.

My dad surely underestimated me.

I moved to the parking lot, into the car and sped off to the hospital.
From the very entrance I could see that they had reached.

I moved in, towards Lana's ward ready to kill.

There were people moving there too but what was surprising was Lana in Damien's arms, firing a gun at everyone as they tried to clear the way to move.

Today was full of surprises.

I moved in further into the chaos.

Everyone was reaching out for them but Lana was far too good.

Just then I noticed my dad aiming for Lana, and knowing dad, his aims never missed.

I reached forward, and in front of Lana and Damien.

Lana tried protesting but my dad's voice boomed.

"Stop firing! That's my daughter you idiots!!" And everything went silent, only the heavy breaths taken in by everyone could be heard.

But Dad was still aiming for us.

"Maia move out of the way. Now!" I didn't move.

"Move!" I didn't.

"I am going to fire the bullet. I don't want to Maia, MOVE!" And then I heard the security coming off. I closed my eyes ready for this.

"Maia why?" Lana whispered.

"Because you are the closest to what I have got for a sister, I can't lose you." I said, remembering all the time that I spent with her. The talks we had and the memories we made only in the span of fifteen days.

It all came crashing down. And then the bullet rang off.

But as I tried to feel for the small hole in my chest. I felt nothing.

No pain.

I opened my eyes.

My dad was hunched over , holding his bloody arm.

I looked towards the door, surprised to know what the hell had happened.

Holy shit!

At the very gate stood Dan and Aidan. Each holding a gun.

"Move out. NOW!" Aidan shouted. And we did not have to be told twice.

But just then something more intriguing happened.

"And you try that and I will shoot." said Sarah.

Loads of love,

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