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Note: This chapter is in third person.

It was the day of the ball. Everything was decorated in silver and blue, the colours most suited for a event of such happiness.

Andrea had especially gotten up early and supervised all the people.

Maia could see her changing. From smily Lana to the future gang leader Andrea.

But what no one had noticed was her swift coughs that wretched her chest. The way she limped slightly due to the ache in her chest. The way her eyes looked heavy because she was too tired to do anything.

But she moved on. Doing everything the way she was supposed to.

Because at last, she was responsible for being the 'perfect daughter'.

Everything was finally crafted into perfection. And it was already 4 pm. Two hours to the much awaited ball.

Maia had spent her morning with Lana, telling her about everything and anything. They had gone out roaming and now, Maia had so many memories with her even in such short span of time.

Lana made her feel belonged. She made her feel loved. Like she was kind. And brave. And strong. And beautiful.

Lana made her feel worthy and happy. And Maia was more than happy to accept Lana as her real sister too.

Right now, Maia was in Aria's room, telling her about her feelings towards her new found sister.

Aria had called Lana sweet and nice, and Maia thought she couldn't be more right.

But on the other side of the house in a dark room sat Lana, along with Arthur Oberain who was telling her precisely about the happenings of that very night of the Wilson's fleet.

"After the gun-firing, the Wilson's had fled not making us notice the disappearance of our daughter. But Jessica had gone to New York that very hour, taking Henry's small body to the best doctors known. She had stayed there for a week but returned to home without him, with the news of his death while I told her about our daughter's disappearance. We had never even suspected the Wilson's but long after someone had spotted you, because you look so much like your mother, and it was sure you were our blood." Arthur said.

"Henry was as important to us but alas we couldn't save such a small being with even all the efforts we made. Now that I have told you what I wanted to, that we made efforts Rea, we did, I think you should start getting ready. You can talk to your mom during the ball." And with that heard Lana had rushed right off to her room.

Maia and her had made conversations in the morning. She was glad that Maia was her sister and the feeling was evidently mutual. At least Maia's presence assured her safety.

Lana entered her room and decided to finally take a nap. It had been long since she had slept. The nightmares were getting worse. But she still managed to seem unchanged.
She lied down in her bed and slowly let her eyes fall shut.

During this time in the gang house of Inferno Damien was getting worried. Only two hours for the ball and the pledge he made to his father was taking a toll on him. His father had always had a grudge against the Oberain's and he had made Damien pledge to kill Arthur Oberain under any circumstances. But what bothered him more was his promise to Lana to not do anything.

And Daniel had messaged him that he was going to visit Lana so that was one thing off his shoulders for a while.

Now he eagerly waited to go to the ball, to finally meet his sunshine and ask her about those mysterious words she had whispered on that call but he also was anxious about what would happen next.

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