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Maia's P. O. V

Out of all the twenty one schools around our city,  Aidan freaking Black chose to attend Hailsham High.


Because he had a reputation here.

Both Levi and Aidan were always considered the top of the hierarchy in Hailsham and you could see most girls drooling while both these boys passed by. And like all the cliche stories, they both hated each other with a flare.

And surprisingly both of them have left me annoyed as hell.

While I am supposed to be getting over yesterday's date chaos and the fact that I am grounded for a week,  here I am. Trying to skip hallways,  only to avoid Aidan freaking Black.

News is that he is back only to 'get what was his'. And the news also says that I am somehow the one being referred to here.

So I am inside the empty class beside homeroom,  waiting for the class to begin so I can get away.

But of course our High Almighty sitting leisurely in heaven, didn't have that planned for me.

I hear the door open and I get up from the seat right at the back of the class.
Indeed it was the Satan himself.

"What do you want Aidan?" I snapped. I was furious. No one messes with me. No one.

"Hello to you too Maia." He smirked. He freaking smirked. He then moved in further and locked the door behind him.

I quickly sprang to the very front and tried reaching for the door. He prevented me from doing so by putting his arm out.

"Oh, you are not going out of the room till I want you to." He was so enjoying this situation too much and I was planning to change that.

"I wasn't even planning to." I said, slowly walking towards him.  If the plan works out well I will be out in five minutes.

"Maia, I know you." But amusement still danced through his eyes as he looked at me.

I walked closer to him. We were now only inches away so I put my hands on his chest and brought my lips near his ears.

"If I were you I don't think I would say that." I said softly.

"Babe, even you know you love me. We know each other too well to not notice."He smiled goofily.

I closed in more if that was even possible. I think I have had enough. Let's end this.

Then I slowly whispered.

"I would say go to hell,  but I don't ever want to see you again, dickhead." And then I kneed him where the sun doesn't shine and swiftly moved out of the class.

I was only half minute into my victory mood when he pops up in front of me, blocking my way.

God! Can't this guy leave me alone!

"Aidan, we have had enough of a talk for today." I hissed, trying to move past him. We were just near the homeroom class.

But this asshole,just wouldn't move out of the way.

"Maia, all I am asking for is a last chance. I know even you want to go back to what we had back then. I want to go back to being best friends." He said,  smirking.

Why was he smirking so much today?

"I don't care about it anymore, I don't think you do either. Stop faking it." I snarled.

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