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aeri's •
dear seung,

omg!!!! i finally got tickets to your fanmeet and it's on the day after tomorrow. how lucky am i? i've been trying for ages! so what happened was i was still searching all over different social medias and while i was on twitter, someone was selling a winner fanmeet ticket OF COURSE i had to grab the chance right??? it coSTS A LEGIT BOMB but since i've been saving for ages just for this day I JUST HAD TO DO THIS which i did. after paying her the bomb, i got a single ticket AND i'M GOING TO SEE YOU SOON!!! which reminds me, i should really start planning what to get you as a gift. okay i'm tired. gtg sleep soon before i can't wake up and hanni will scold me again.

— aeri, 0709

i closed my diary.
i should really consider investing in a new one soon, 3 quarter of the book is used already.
if you're wondering, i'm not writing letters to seung, in which it's not any seung, but it's seungyoon. i decided to name my diary after him because it just gives me the thrill that i can tell him all about my day. how's that?

my diary was just a simple white book with a blue heart which i bought it at a discount store. it came in sets of two, so it was a great deal. i slot my diary back on the left beside it's twin on my bookshelf and plopped right into bed to sleep.

" ahn aeri! "

my eyes jolted open.

" wake up aeri! you're supposed to follow me to go get some new shoes, and you are late! " the first blur image which turned clear slowly was hanni, my bestfriend. she was pouting while attempting to drag me up.

" what time did you sleep last night? i told you to sleep at 12 right? that was the latest aeri! i need to be at the shoe store to catch the discount okay, " she asked while i was choosing clothes to change into.

" i might or might not have slept at 2am, " i flinched, knowing that a playful punch was coming right at my butt.

" ahn aeri! oh my gosh, " i grinned sheepishly at hanni and she rolled her eyes.

" hurry, you have approximately 5 mins to meet me at the living room all ready or you're going to treat me to hotpot for lunch! " hanni threatened and when it comes to food, she sure does mean what she say.

after letting what she said sink in, i jumped and hurriedly took out a simple grey pullover and jeans, threw it on, threw all my necessities in my bag and ran out. yep, i am clearly a really unprepared person.

" one minute late, ms ahn. you're treating hotpot today! now let's get going, " hanni stood up right as she saw me and started to walk to the door.

i was so tempted to pray for my dear wallet which was soon going to be milked dry. rest in peace wallet, rest in peace. what happened to all those rushing practices i had when there was school?

" aeri? you're going out? " my helper called out from the dining room. she comes over once a week to clean the house because my parents are rarely at home, sigh.

" yes! " i shouted back while putting on my shoes. she could be a little hard of hearing sometimes.

" okay, have fun dear! " she shouted back as i rushed to chase after hanni who was already walking towards the gate.

DIARY | Kang Seungyoon (강승윤)Where stories live. Discover now