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aeri's •

" i thought you were always really sure which side you put your diary and which side you put the un-used one? " hanni asked.

" i have no idea either.. "

" unless what i suspect is correct, " i replied and hanni raised her eyebrows.

" remember that day my family's house helper came over? i think she was tasked to clean the book shelves on that day and she might have accidentally swopped the books, " i let out a sniff, " whyyyyyy on earth didn't i check before i wrapped? "

and a whole bucket of tears start falling again.

i momentarily thank the heavens that my parents won't be back so soon.

" okay okay, chill chill. no point crying over spilled milk okay? " hanni kept patting my back while my tears kept flowing non-stop.

" but bu- " i took a tissue to blow my nose.
" i really have all my memories and some letters to seungyoon inside, i don't want to lose them, " i stared into space.

" calm down, aeri. it's not the end of the world okay? just get a new book and write all over again! " she tried to sound as encouraging as possible, but at this moment nothing seemed to be working.

" he probably thinks i'm some creepy ass who names my diary after him when he actually opens the gift and like he'll look at me creepily if i ever get to go to another fansign again but wait what if i get stopped outside for being too cre- " i kept going on and on till hanni stopped me.

" stop. " she put a stop sign infront of me.
" do you have your number in the book somewhere? "

i shook my head.

" then.. um.. did you write a letter to him? like a legit proper letter? with like i love yous and stuff, "

i nodded my head.

" did you leave your number? "
my eyes looked up at her.
i slowly nodded.

" there you go! don't worry so much okay? he has your number so that means if he actually has a heart, he would return it to you. you put the letter with the book right? " she tried to find hope for me - that i was really thankful for.

i nodded, reaching for another tissue.
" i guess so.. "

" okay okay stop it, let's not bury yourself in this mountain of tissues. you still have hope to get your book back ya? now let's go for dinner, " she pulled me up.

" i'm treating, " she smiled.

yoon's •

sitting cross-legged on my bed, with the book infront of me, i stared at it like it was some foreign alienating object.

picking it up, i flipped to a random entry and starting reading. wow how much has she written? this book is already almost full.

dear seung,
i missed a chance to buy your fansign tickets again :( i'm so so sad. i thought i'd be able to get the tickets! but i missed by a little bit. i really want to meet you, it's my dream. i want to let you know how much you change you made when you entered my life. i want to let you know how important you are to me, just letting you know that will be enough. but it's okay, i'll try my best again another time.
— aeri 0705

wow.. she's so.. i don't even know the right word to describe her. are all fangirls like that? i feel a little bad for flipping through someone's diary but... let me read one last one, after all she said that only kang seungyoon could open the book right...?

dear seung,
today i was late for school! and i got a demerit point.. i swear i was late only because i was helping an old lady pick up her fallen oranges on the road! just because it sounded cliche then the discipline master didn't believe me. what even?? just my luck i guess. i even got teased for like the 1479272873872 time this year in school. i hate hate hate hate hate that.
-aeri 1405

so this girl gets bullied in school? wow.. maybe i should really return the book to her, she seems harmless..?

as i flipped the book, an entry caught my eye.

dear seung,
i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you.  i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. thank you for existing. thank you for existing. thank you for existing. thank you for existing. thank you for existing. thank you for existing. thank you for existing. thank you for existing. thank you for existing. thank you for existing. thank you for existing. thank you for existing. thank you for existing. thank you for existing. thank you for existing. thank you for existing. thank you for existing. thank you for existing. thank you for existing. thank you for existing. thank you for existing.
- aeri 0908

i grinned. 

" she's too free or what? " mino peeped over my shoulder and saw that entry i was reading.

i slammed the book shut and mino sat infront of me and aeri's diary, imitating my cross-legged position.

" that's not called being too free okay? it's called dedication, " i playfully glared at him and he laughed.

" i kinda wonder if she knows that i have her book yet, " i asked mino.

" are you dumb? she's probably panicking right now, " he slapped my knee.

" should i return it to her? " i asked.

" if not what do you wanna do? keep it in a museum? of course you should return it! " mino told me as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

i shrugged.

" but how are you going to though? did she leave her email or social media or something? " mino asked.

" uhh, nope. but i think she left her number, " i climbed off my bed to get aeri's letter from my table.

" huh? her number? wow, she's daring. imagine if someone else got hold of the letter. woah the amount of prank calls she'd be getting would be life threatening! " mino laughed and i glared at him.

i opened her letter again and saw her number, written very neatly below her message.

" go on, call her. i'm hungry, i'll be outside if you need me, " mino stood up and winked before he left the room.

picking up my phone, i dialed her number.

[ a/n!! - sorry if this chapter is boring because it's just a filler chapter :) btw, for aeri's diary entry that was full of i love yous and thank you for existings, aeri supposedly wrote each one 21 times because yoon's birthday is on the 21st of jan! :')

hope you look forward to the next chapter because...

i ended with a cliff hanger ;) ]

DIARY | Kang Seungyoon (강승윤)Where stories live. Discover now