chapter 1
My birth name is Lillian Richards but everyone calls me Lilly. I live in a small pent house a block away from my job. I write for a magazine called "REAL LIFE 101", I have been working there since I was 23 so about six years give or take. Anyways my job is why I am writing this, about two months ago my boss, Madeline Kruss, told me to write an article about love and how it has an affect on my life. " And not the family/friends love I want the real deal , you know the mushy romantic things" she told me.
Only there was a problem I had no clue what to write about. Its not like I was ugly or anything I considered myself to be at least pretty. I am 5ft and 4in with long black hair and light blue eyes. I weighed the average weight of a twenty-nine year old. So it wasn't looks that were the problem its just that I was so focused on my career and didn't have time to have a botfriend or date. Apparently Madeline didn't think so. She told that I have two months to have it done or else I would be writing for another magazine. Madeline is not a cruel person who would up and fire someone, she was just pushing me or that's what she told me.
" You know I love you darling, but you just don't have the..." as she tapped her right temple with a pencil " the spice" she said in a not sure of tone.
"I don't of the spice?" I said
" I am just trying to push you towards your full potential" Madeline said smiling down at me.
I sat at my desk for a full two hours before rubbing my temples and deciding to take a break. That whole time I cound't think of one thing to write. I had thought back on high school and all the double dates I went on with my friends but the only sliver of mushy I could come up with was when my date, Ted, gave my a small teddy bear at the zoo. Ugh. I am in so much trouble. I thought as I walked into the small but to die for bakery on the corner of the street. I opened the door and the little bells went off to announce another costumer when I heard the voice of an angel.