Prologue rewritten

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My Name is (Name) and I have a special ability,
I can see, but not like everyone else.
I have the ability to see demon, angles, ghosts and and the aura of a person for example if they have good intentions, sometimes I'm able to tell if they're lying or if they're hiding something.

A 'nice' trip to hell gave me that ability.
My parents are really religious to the point where they tell me that loving someone with the same gender is a sin, having sex before marriage is a sin disobeying your elders is a sin dating bevor you're eighteen is a sin,.... Basically everything that normal people do is sinful.
So technically ther's no way for 'pure' little me to end up in hell.

Well if it wasn't for my uncle, my fathers brother to be precised, anyway he messed with some ghosts, they where about to kill him if he didn't summon a demon last minute to save him. The demon did save him and it was supposed to be a normal deal the typical you have three more years to live then the demon will come and take your soul.
The only problem was that my uncle tried to summon other demons to do certain....  Things for him.

Well the demon that my uncle sold his soul to first wasn't happy so the demon tried to make a 'deal' my uncle would kill me and let the demon have my soul or suffer in hell forever and getting special torture from the other demons he had a deal with.

Well as you can guess I died on said day, my fathers brother killed me and because I technically had no soul I took a trip on the highway down to hell.
I wasn't dead for long tho only for an hour or so, because I was still so pure the demon made a deal with me, I would get my soul back but I'd have to take him with me to the overworld again and my uncle, don't know what happened to him but it's probably horrible.

The demon and I made our way to a police station because my uncle technically kidnapped me, during our walk we found a dead cat on the sidewalk, Silvester how I called my demon possessed said cat.

At the police station I saw a tall man with two children looking at Silvester maybe the man knew that je was a demon but I doubt that.
I went up to an officer reported my uncle, he  obviously didn't believe me and called my parents to come and get me.

Everything was fine after that, we'll more or less. The police found my uncles torn body must've been the other demons he made deals with.

But I noticed some.... Strange things and to be ones it scared me.  I took Silvester on a walk to the park, my mother obviously came along because she's terrified that something would happen to me.
While I was running around chasing my demonic cat around I saw a man watching me with pools of golden fire as eyes, I couldn't look away. I was trying to tell my mother about it but she just brushed it of as me being shaken up from the police incident.

All that made me really paranoid, Silvester said that it had something to do with me being in hell but he wasn't able to tell for sure because no human was able to leave hell before.
I tried to talk to my parents about all that how I'm able to see some weird stuff, even that my neighbors dog that died walked around in my room.
My parents got scared they thought I was some evil hell spawn they tried so much stuff but nothing worked so they sent me to an orphanage.
The people at the orphanage where really nice actually but they didn't believe me eather so they made me see Dr. Linda a nice theraphist every week.

At some point during my stay here a nice woman named Chloe Decker came over, she's a detective and had some questions about a case and I somehow managed to help her out.

We really bonded and she adopted me and since then I'm kind of her little helper during work.

A few years later Chloe had a child also known as Beatrice also known as Trixie and we're basically two peas in a pot.

Silvester,  yes I still have him, is always with me,  he protects me from some of the evil spirits that come by from time to time.
He teaches me how I can protect myself,just incase he's not there at some point.
He's actually great company he even tells me about hell and other demons and sometimes some nice demons visit me.

Because of my high IQ I graduated really early and still help Chloe around work, I'm basically her personal assistant and get paid, and to be honest it's really nice.

So this is the first chapter rewritten,I hope you like it and that's my first painting that I'm showing you as well.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~So this is the first chapter rewritten,I hope you like it and that's my first painting that I'm showing you as well

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It was a school exercise, we had to try and try to work with the contrast and to make the crystals as bright as possible. 

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