Chapter 12

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I was woken up by my alarm going off, I mentally sighed but turned off my alarm before getting out of bed, as I was walking to the bathroom Justin woke up, and he looked at me with a confused look. I smiled at him before walking into the bathroom, I went for a shower then went into the bedroom to get dressed, and Justin is sitting up on the bed with a coffee in his hand. 

"Did you make me one?" I questioned him. 

"Yeah it's on your bedside table" Justin answers me, and I nod at him. 

I walk over to my wardrobe take out my school uniform, underwear then start getting ready when Justin decided to hug me from behind, wrapped his arms around my waist then kissed the side of my head, and smiled at me before going through to the bathroom. I drank my coffee before curling my hair, when Justin came out of the bathroom I went in to brush my teeth, and went back into the bedroom to do my make-up.

 I  finished doing my make-up then went downstairs to make pancakes for the guys, I'm pretty sure that the guys are still in bed since I haven't heard anyone walking around the house, I finished making pancakes when Justin, Lee, and Ryan came into the kitchen. 

"Where's Steven?" I asked no one in particular. 

"He will be down in a few minutes he's just in a shower" Justin tells me. 

I nod while putting the pancakes on the plates, the guys took there plates to the table while I poured us all a drink of apple juice, and I noticed Justin kept staring at me with a questioning look but I just ignored it. When the guys finished eating I washed the dishes while the guys were fixing there hair, I went upstairs to get my phone, and earphones from my room then went back downstairs to see the guys waiting for me at the front door like always. 

Once we are all ready we start walking to school, I was hoping that today would be a day without people putting stuff in my locker, no one would say anything to me because I don't want Justin to find out how bad things are getting especially with some one taking pictures of me undressing, and I was brought out of my train of thoughts when Steven shouted my name which made me look at him. 

"What's up?" I question Steven confused. 

"We were just saying that after school we should go to do something instead of being stuck in the house all the time" Steven tells me, and I nod at him.

"Sounds good" I say, and the guys nod at me. 

We walked into the school gate, people were pointing at Justin then whispering I guess they actually thought he was dead or whatever rumor went around about why he wasn't in school, and we went to our lockers. I opened mine to see that there were in fact pictures because soon as I opened my locker about 30 pictures fell out, I mentally sighed I'm starting to get fed up with these people, and I started picking them up off the floor then collecting the ones from the locker before putting them in the bin. 

I turned around to get the guys, I noticed that Lee had a picture in his hand when Justin looked pissed off as Lee looked at me before walking towards me, and showed me the picture like I haven't seen it already I thought to myself. 

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!?"  Lee questioned me while shouting at me. 

"It's a picture" I tell him stating the obvious in a calm voice. 


"I don't know who has been taking the pictures,  nearly 5 months since the pictures of me undressing started" I tell him embarrassed.  

"Stacey. I asked you last night how everything was going, you lied to me" Justin says while giving me a disappointed look. 

"I didn't want any of you guys worrying about me that's why I never said anything, I need to get to class" I tell them while walking away. 

I understand that they guys are mad at me for not telling them well Ryan, and Steven knew but Lee doesn't need to know that they knew right? I made my way to registration, sat down with my earphones in like always I'm listen to 'Fever Ray- If I Had a Heart', and once registration was over I went to my first period class which was Math.

 The first 2 classes flew in so now it's interval I'm meeting the guys at the table we always sit at, I was the first person at the table I hope that Lee, and Justin are less pissed about me lying to them. I opened my can of monster then took a drink of it, the guys came into the canteen they don't look that pissed off but they don't look happy either, and they sat down at the table. 

We sat in silence no one spoke, I decided to put my earphones in I'm listen to 'Nightcore- Weakness' I have my earphones up full blast so that I can block everything out, and I only got half way through the song when Justin took my earphone out of my ear. I gave him a confused look but he gave me a pointed look, I look at Lee but he just looked away from me, and now I am really confused.

"Steven told us that him, and Ryan new about the pictures" Justin tells me. 

"Yeah they did, why does it matter anyway?" I say then question Justin. 

"I thought that we could trust each other but obviously you trust Steven, and Ryan more than me" Justin says with a hurt look. 

"I do trust you..I trust you too Lee. The only reason Steven, Ryan know is because they were with me when I opened my locker because if they weren't there then they wouldn't know either" I say to Justin, and Lee. 

"Okay" Justin says then sits back down.

I got up from the table before walking out of the canteen, I made my way out of the school gates I don't care if you think I'm being dramatic or whatever but I just need space, I thought to myself the guys are just going to be more mad at the fact that I just walked away from them, and I made my way to the house then went upstairs to Justin's room, and I grabbed a few clothes. I'm just going away for a couple of days so I can clear my head, I am always with the guys everyday so it might do us all some good if I go away for a couple of days, I walk downstairs with my bag of clothes then walk out of the house locking the front door behind me. 

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