Chapter 13

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I called a taxi since Faith said she will let me stay with her for a while, I texted her asking her if it's okay that I stay at hers for a couple of nights,  when the taxi came I told the driver the address then we pulled up at Faiths house, and I paid the taxi driver before walking up to her front door. I knocked on the door then waited for an answer but no one answered so I knocked again, this time Faith's dad answered the door he smiled at me before letting me in the house, and I smiled back at him before I entered his house. 

"What bring's you here?" Faith's dad asked me. 

"Faith said it's okay if I stayed here for a couple of nights" I say to him while looking at him.

"Ah okay, Faith is at school right now so she won't be back until later" he tells me.

"Okay, shall I go then come back once Faith is back from school?" I question him.

"You can stay if you want to since school finishes soon away" he tells me, and I nod at him. 

"If you want you can put your bag upstairs in the guest bedroom" Faith's dad tells me while walking into the living room. 

I nod even know he can't see me, I walk upstairs to the guest bedroom then I sent Faith a text telling her that I'm here before going downstairs to the living room, and I walked into the living room to see that Faith's dad had friends over they were drinking it's only 1:15 pm I thought to myself. Faith's dad noticed me then pointed to a seat that no one is sitting on, I made my way to the chair while looking around the room I guess I feel a little awkward since I don't know these people. 

"Do you want a drink?" Faith's dad asked me. 

"Can I get a drink of lemonade?" I question him, he nods at me. 

I was going through my Facebook when the front door opened then closed again, I thought it was Faith then I looked up to the living room door too see the guy that my brother paid to rape me, and I felt scared the guy noticed me then smirked at me. I felt sick I need to get out of here I thought to myself, the guy sat down next to where Faiths dad was sitting, I went upstairs to get my bag since I want to go back to the guys house this was a mistake coming here I thought to myself, and I quickly text Faith telling her that the guys, and I are not fighting anymore so I'm going back to their house. I was walking towards the front door when a hand grabbed my arm tightly, I looked to see the guy he was looking me up, and down then stared at my tits I felt terrified but the guy only smirked. 

"I think we should go somewhere private" the guy tells me, and I shake my head. 

"Can you please let go of my arm?" I ask the guy.

"Why would I let go of your arm? All I want is a bit of fun" the guy questions then says while smiling at me. 

I pull my arm away from him then run out of the front door, my heart is pounding in my chest because I'm that scared, and when I get to the end of the street I call a taxi. I got to the guys house, got out of the taxi after paying the driver then walked to the guys house, and the front door is opened but I'm pretty sure I locked it. I walked into the house to see Justin, and the guys in the living room they are playing the Xbox then Justin noticed me.

 I gave him a weak smile before going upstairs, I went into Justin's room then sat on the bed thinking about how pathetic I was by running out of Faiths house but also how scared I got just from seeing that guy, and I felt myself wanting to cry but I wanted to hold my tears back but I couldn't so I sat on the bed crying. I finally stopped crying then went into the bathroom splashed cold water onto my face, dried my face I was walking out the bathroom as Justin walked into his bedroom.

"Why didn't you answer my texts or calls?" Justin asked me really mad. 

"I thought that we would need some space from each other because of the argument" I said to Justin truthfully. 

"Stace that's what couples do they argue then they make up so don't fucking leave next time" Justin says, and tells me. 

"Okay" I say to him, and Justin looks at me weirdly.

"Why have you been crying?" Justin asked me.

"I haven't" I tell him while lying. 

"You're lying... Why can't you just tell me instead of making a big deal out of everything?" Justin says, and questions me while getting mad. 

"Fine I was lying,  do you really want to know why I was crying?" I say then ask him.

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't" Justin tells me. 

"I was at Faith's she said I could stay there for a couple of days, I was waiting for her to come back from school, and her dad had a couple of guys over" I say while looking at him, and I started to get scared again. 

"Stace what happened?" Justin asked me in a soft voice. 

"I seen the guy that Damien payed" I say to Justin while looking at the floor. 

"Did he say anything to you?" Justin asked getting mad again. 

"He said we should go somewhere private to have some fun" I say to Justin while fidgeting with my hands. 

"Stace it's okay he won't hurt you ever again the guys, and I won't let him" Justin tells me while hugging me. 

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