Chapter 14

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Justin's POV

Stacey's still scared from seeing that bastard, I honestly don't know what to do since there is just so much going on right now, I mean with some taking picture of Stacy getting undressed, and her still getting bullied now her seeing him. I mentally sighed I'm currently going downstairs to make Stacey a hot chocolate, Stace is still upstairs I told her to come downstairs when she's ready, I walked into the living room the guys looked at me but I shook my head at them which made them give me a questioning look, and I went into the kitchen to put the kettle on then went back into the living room. 

"Is Stace alright?" Ryan asked me with a worried look. 

"She seen her rapist today" I tell them while looking at the floor. 

"Did he say anything to her?" Lee questioned me, and I was about to speak. 

"He said that we should go somewhere private, all he wants is a bit of fun" Stacey speaks from the living room door you can hear in her voice she's getting fed up with everything. 

"Stace we want to help you but we don't know how" Lee tells her, and Stace nods at him.

I get up from the couch went through the kitchen to make the hot chocolate, I put the marshmallows in the cup before taken it through to Stace, she's sitting on the couch next to Ryan, and Ryan looks at me with a concerned look. I nod at him before looking at Lee who is playing the Xbox with Steven. 

"Ryan...I need to come with me for a minute" I tell him which makes Ryan give me a confused look. 

"Where are you both going?" Lee questioned me.

"We are going somewhere, we won't be long" I tell Lee as Ryan, and I walk out of the Living room. 

Ryan, and I walked out of the front door then we started walking down the street when Ryan punched me in the arm, and I looked at him with anger. 

"What was that for?" I question him. 

"Stace is upset, you're acting like nothing is happening" Ryan tells me, and I mentally roll my eyes. 

"Do you remember the way to Faith's house?" I asked him, and Ryan nods at me. 

"Yeah I do. Why?" Ryan says then questions me. 

"We are going to pay this guy a visit" I tell Ryan, and he shakes his head at me. 

"Justin that's not a good idea, you know it's not" Ryan tells me, and I nod at him. 

"What do you suggest we do?" I question him. 

"We should find out who's taking pictures of her, then deal with that bastard" Ryan says, and I just nod at him. 

"Okay... I guess we could do that" I say agreeing with him. 

We walk back into the house, walk into the living room to see Lee, Steven, and Stace are playing Monopoly. Ryan looked at me then at Lee, I sat on the couch while watching the t.v until Lee spoke. 

"Where did you guys go?" Lee questioned Ryan, and I. 

"We just went for a walk, I wanted Ryan to go with me so I could talk to him about something" I tell Lee, and Lee nods at me. 

"Okay,  we are going to order in tonight's dinner" Steven tell me, and I nod at him. 

"Okay" I reply back to Steven. 

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