Chapter 11

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His sliver truck takes a turn on a road of small pebbles. The window is open just a crack,the sound of the tides gently crashing on the tides down the hill. Indeed is romantic. His house is a pale ivory, cozy looking cottage at the end of his small street. The front lawn, covered with pink roses and tulips. Looking as if it's one story,the drive way is dirt. A cute little house, a place that reminds me so much of the house my parents and I used to live in in Michigan. I know it's silly,but it's a place my dad would've loved so much. Roz has a slight smile on his face,before looking suddenly irritated. I look ahead,and see a black SUV in the drive way. Pulling into the drive way,he rolls the wheel around,and we're heading out of the street.

"Maid's out of town." He says,I'm assuming what is a joke.

"Okay. Drop me off home then." I suggest,fiddling with my necklace.

"Thanks for the invitation." He smiles. Dear God.

Pulling on my dead end street,we pass several houses that annoy me. Brick mansions,with extravagant flowers and tiny water fountains. A lot of elderly people live on my street, probably rich retired couples. We finally reach my house. A huge, light blue house. Mother never got around to planting any flowers,so our yard is pretty boring. All Rose does is water the lawn.

Roz pulls into the cement driveway,and stops the engine.

"Behold the palace." I say,gloomily. I exit the car,Roz following me. I shove the key into the front door,Roz not saying anything. Most people are at a lose for words at the house. He's speechless,but mainly because he doesn't know what to say.

I push open the front door,the dusty air entering my nostrils.

"Nice place." Roz comments. I don't respond. What am I supposed to say? Beautiful. A pure house of wonders. The furniture doesn't help. A bright pink color,covered with tiny pinker flowers on the couches and love seats.

"The computer room is right here." I say,pushing open the double wooden doors across the hall from the front door.

Roz follows me into the blue colored room. I sit down at the desktop,Roz pulling up a chair beside me.

"So, your Mom is super rich,right?" Roz asks. I roll my eyes. I stay quiet. Isn't it obvious? I turn on the computer,and begin to title the paper.

The Outsider's Characters by Catherine Summers and Roz Harper

"If you're putting full names,put Rozman." Roz says,pointing at his name on the screen. I snicker. Rozman?

"Okay,Rozman." I laugh.

"Don't push it." Roz laughs. I've read The Outsiders a dozen times. It's really good,but not really my type of book. A lot of violence,if you ask me. Still, a really great book.

My fingers dash around the keyboard,typing about Ponyboy Curtis,Johnny Cade,Dallas Winston,blah blah blah. I can finish a paper in under an hour. The end of the month is much too long for it to be due. Roz stays silent for several minutes,of me typing about each main character.

"Control freak." Roz utters,snatching the keyboard away from me. Expecting to see dull words and phrases,I almost gasp with impressment. Roz begins to type sophisticated sentences. His vocabulary is beyond belief. His fingers fly across the keyboard, finishing each of the Greasers gang members. I sit there,Roz hovering over my lap,typing. He finishes the memo,and then to top it all off,he moves the curser over his name,deletes it,and types his name before mine.

"Control freak." I utter back. Roz smiles,leaning back in his chair.

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