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Harry woke up with the feeling something was wrong. He ran downstairs to the great hall and found, to Harry's relief, Ron and Hermoine eating breakfast together. He looked around for Ginny, and his stomach did a flip when he didn't spot her.
"What happened?" Harry asked, frantically looking around.
"Nothing mate. What's up with you?" Ron replied.
"No, something's off.."
Harry was hesitant to ask where Ginny was. Ron was already being careful to avoid Ginny when harry was around. Harry tried to be inconspicuous.
"Ugh.. well Ginny said she wanted to borrow my last years charns book and I was wondering wher..."
"If you're looking for Ginny, I haven't seen her. " Ron said
"Ron you do know that nothing is between us right? We're just friends. I promise." Harry said, trying to cover up his mistake.
Ron looked at harry, probably trying to figure out if he should believe him or not.
Harry heard footsteps coming towards them. He turned, and to his relief and surprise, it was Ginny walking towards them. Harry couldn't help but give a sigh of relief.
Relief that wearied off quickly.
"Have you heard the news?" Ginny said looking troubled.
"Three girls from your age group got kidnapped last night"
Hermoine looked the most worried.
"Who?" She asked
"I don't know the names," Ginny replied, "but I think it has something to do with you, Harry."
"Why would you think that?" Harry asked. Just then, Dumbledore came walking in.
"I have a solemn announcement to make." Dumbledore started. "It is my great displeasure to announce that three 6th year girls, by the names of Christine, Emily, and Sarah have gone missing." 
Dumbledore went on but harry wasn't listening. How was it possible that the 3 girls who happened to sit with Harry all of a sudden went missing. That couldn't be a coincidence. Harry looked at Ginny. She gave him a look, then focused back on what Dumbledore was saying.
What might happen to Ron and Hermoine if whoever did this would target them? Harry didn't want to think of that. All he wanted to think about was a way to get those girls back. They might've been annoying, but their lives have worth. Everyone's life does.
He exchanged a look between him, Ron, and Hermoine and the three of them went off.
Unfortunately Ginny followed.
"No Ginny." Harry stated firmly. "You're staying here."
"Who gave you that right to tell me what I can and cannot do!" She said vividly.
"Ginny, cmon we don't want to babysit you." Ron said.
That was the wrong thing to say.
Her face said it all. There was a mixture between anger and hurt in her expression that made Harry's heart turn. He wanted her to yell, but she turned around and headed back to the hall.  Even Ron knew he shouldn't have said that.
Ginny was the youngest in the family and probably one of the strongest. If there was one thing she hated the most was being underrated and told she wasn't good enough. Obviously Ron knew that, therefore, was trying to cover up his words the whole way to the common room saying things like, "she knew I didn't mean it like that." And, "she's just overreacting. She'll get over it"
In the common room, they thought of ways to figure out where the missing girls could possibly be.
"It was probably the Malfoys. Draco has been acting weird lately. It's has to be him."
"No ron." Hermoine stated. "Ginny told me before that those girls were sitting by you in the compartment on the way to school. Whoever did this is trying to attack people who they think you'd be most hurt to have missing. They would be someone that didn't know you well. Someone who'd think that those girls were important to you."
"Then where does that leave you two?" Harry asked. "If they went after people I might care about, what will happen if they see you two?"
"We can worry about that later mate" Ron replied. "Let's just go and.."
"No." Harry decided. "If they want people I care about then I don't want.."
"Oh save it." Hermoine replied. "I'm tired of this heroic act of bull crap."
Ron and Harry froze at her anger.
"What's the point," she continued, "in saving the world when you lose everyone you love in the process?"
"She's right." Ron replied. "Maybe this is what Voldemort wanted. Division."
"If this is Voldemort at work." Hermoine said.
"Who else would it be?" Harry asked
"Well I don't think that if Voldemort got into the castle, the first thing he would do is kidnap a couple of girls. He'd want to finish you off." Hermoine answered.
That got Harry thinking.
"What is his plan is different now. He knows that somehow if he tries to get me right away it would backfire. I still got my mother's protection. What if he wants to slowly take away those that I care for."
"Well that makes a full 360 then doesn't it." Ron replied. "Now we're back to the beginning. Division."
"Look," Hermoine announced. "We don't have time to chatter right now. We've got to go find the girls."
"How are we supposed to do that?"
The door to the dormitory  opened.
It was neville.
"Have you heard?"
"Heard What?" Hermoine asked.
"The missing girls are back!" He replied.
Harry looked at Ron and Hermoine. What happened that they got to return so quickly?
They rushed to the great hall.
"They're in the hospital room." Neville called.
Out of habit Harry looked around for Ginny. She wasn't there.
They walked to the hospital room. Half of the people from Harry's year was there.
Ginny was there too.
Christine brightened up when Harry walked in the room.
"I was wondering when you'd show up." She said batting her eyelashes.
Harry rolled his eyes.
"I have some questions for you." He answered.
"Oh please. She said with a fake sigh. "All these excuses. I know why you really came to see me." She got up. She was limping, but considering she didn't have a scratch on her, it was obvious she was faking it.
She got real close to harry.
Harry backed away. He side glanced at Ginny.
She laughed airily.
"Ah, I was wondering when you'd look at her." She said quietly, so that only Harry could hear.
"Honestly she's not even that pretty."
"I have some questions." Harry continued, annoyed.
"All right." She said, apparently giving up. "What."
"Do you know who took you and your friends?"
"I'll answer that. In private." She answered.
Harry looked at Ron and Hermoine who were trying to hide their snicker Harry sighed.
Harry looked one last time over to Ginny, who was now side eyeing him.
They both walked out of the room.
"So where do you want to go to chat? She asked.
"Here's fine." Harry answered, stopping by an empty classroom.
"Perfect! Nice and private." She gave Harry a smile.
"Did you see who took you?" Harry asked again in the empty classroom.
"No." She answered. "It was like a dark shadow came. One second I was in Hogwarts, the next second I was in some dungeon."
"Not the Hogwarts dungeon?"
"Oh no. It was totally different."
Harry had a hard time believing her.
"What house are you in?"
"Hufflepuff." She answered.
"Have you ever been to the dungeons?"
"Oh plenty of times. I've had a lot of slitherin guys fancy me. Wanted to show me some cool passages that lead out of the school in the dungeons they did."
Harry had a hard time believing that too.
"What was it like in the dungeons?"
"Oh it was terrible!" She said a bit over the top. "So cold and wet!" She started shivering.
"What did it look like?"
"Well I wasn't paying attention to what it looked like!" She answered. "I was too scared!"
"I think I've heard enough." Harry said, tired of being in the same room with her.
"Thank you for telling me what you know."
Harry started out of the room.
"Wait!" She called. "Is it true that you fancy the Weasley girl?"
"Why would you ask that?"
"I just want to know if I have a chance."
"You don't have a chance."
Harry walked out.
He met Ron and Hermoine by the portrait to the common room.
"How did it go?" Ron said, failing to hide his laugh.
"I don't want to talk about it." Harry said.
They walked into the common room.
Harry had never been so happy to be in gryffyndor.

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