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Harry didn't know how he could bump into a shadow, but that is exactly what happened. The feeling was incredibly weird. How could something with no physical body be able to block something that does?
The shadowen threw some punches that Harry tried to block but was unsuccessful. The shadowen punched him straight in the face. Harry let out a moan. How could a shadow punch someone? The experience made Harry's head throb. Metaphorically and literally.
The shadowen came at harry again, but this time Harry ducked and the shadowen missed. Harry tried to throw a punch back but heard a hard crunch as his fist hit a wall. The shadowen couldn't be touched.
The shadowen laughed as it came back and somehow pushed Harry to the ground by a wall. Writhing with pain, Harry took out his wand.
"Stupify!" He called out. The spell went straight towards the shadowen, but ricocheted the wall and hit a box nearby Harry.
The shadowen laughed even more. He came to harry, moving wall by wall, and bent over him.
"Why, if it isn't the infamous Harry Potter." The shadowen said. It's voice was muffled and shaky.
"It seems almost impossible the he who must not be named would ever be defeated by a pathetic wizard as yourself. But alas, if he didn't I wouldn't have this job in the first place."
"What is your job?" Harry asked, sounding more courageous then he actually was.
The shadowen laughed.
"Always being a detective I see." The smile it had faded.
"I hate creatures like you." He said with a snarl on its face. "Always trying to be heroic. Always getting all the credit for being the "good guys" but who are they, who are you, to determine what is good and what isn't." He floated away in deep thought. "I should just kill you." He said. "Lucius left. Ran away. It's his fault if I do. He was in charge of me. Yes. The weight of Harry Potter's death will be on his hands. And his alone."
As the shadowen talked to himself, Harry tried making up a plan. There must be something that could defeat a shadowen! Oh why couldn't Hermoine be here. She'd know.
Harry heard the shadowen say his final thought.
"It is I who can decide what is good. This is good."
The shadowen came closer. In a split second Harry knew what to do.
"Lumos!" Harry shouted. The light from Harry's wand shot at the shadowen, causing it to cower back.
It sweared. Harry kept shining the light at the shadowen, forcing it to move back.
He ran out of the building straight into Ginny. She fell and hit her head in the icy sidewalk.
"I'm so sorry." Harry said, helping her up.
"Where have you bee.." she started, but then looked at how roughed up Harry looked.
"Are you ok? What happened?"
"Nothing. But we have to go." Harry pulled Ginny away. He looked back just to see the shadowen glaring his way.
Harry didn't even stop to explain to Ron and Hermoine, whose faces told Harry that he'd have to explain later.
It probably was a weird sight to them. Harry, covered and bruises and a disfigured hand with Rons sister Ginny who was wearing a big bump on her forehead walking towards the school wasn't something normal. Especially since they didn't know that they were at hogs mead together.
Halfway to Hogwarts, Ginny started laughing.
Harry looked at her confused.
"What?" He said.
"It's just funny how we haven't even been on a full date and we're already bruised up."
"What do you mean? This was a full date!" Harry said jokingly.
"Yeah, other than the fact that you were hanging out with my brother part of the time, trying to make them think we weren't here together. Honestly Harry, I'm surprised you don't get caught more often. You're a terrible spy."
Harry laughed. Of course she knew.
"Well I'm not surprised honestly." She continued. "It kinda was what I was expecting."
"Really? Do I actually make that impression on you?"
"Oh absolutely."
Harry laughed again.
They walked through the Hogwarts doors.
"So are you going to tell me why you have all those bruises?" She asked.
"I can't ginny, I'm sorry."
She sighed.
"Hopefully one day you'll be able to trust me." She walked away to the Gryffindor tower.
Harry waited in the great hall for Ron and Hermoine thinking of his decision. Should he have told Ginny? The key to a good relationship is communication. But were they in an actual relationship? She did say it was a date. But even if he did tell her, he would've had to tell her everything and Harry didn't want everyone to know everything. But this was Ginny he was talking about. If she wasn't trustworthy than who is?
Just then Ron and Hermoine walked into the great hall.
"Explain." Hermoine said. Ron didn't say a word.
Harry told them about the shadowen and about how he got attacked.
"And before they found me I heard the shadowen and Lucious saying, 'I told you they'd be helpful'. What does that mean?"
"It means that we have a traitor in our midst." Hermoine said.
"I bet it's Malfoy." Ron said.
"Ron you always say it's malfoy." Hermoine remarked back. "But I feel like if it was malfoy, I'm sure his father wouldn't let a shadowen talk about his son as someone to disregard."
"What do you mean disregard?" Ron asked.
"Well the way the shadowen said 'they' it sure did sound like they were people of unimportance. But I could be wrong" Harry said.
"Something you haven't cared to explain, harry, is why you were walking back with Ginny. And why she had a bruise on her head." Ron said.
"Isn't it obvious Ronald." Hermoine said.
"No" Ron said.
"Well it seems.." Hermoine started. She looked at harry, who shook his head.
"Well It seems what?" Ron asked.
"Well..that Ginny must have been there too. Must've wandered into the abandoned building to see the shadowen and probably got knocked out."
Ron looked at them mysteriously. "That is a possibility." Ron started. But it was obvious to harry that Ron didn't believe them. Luckily for harry it was almost curfew. Ron and Harry went to bed and before Ron could ask any more questions, Harry pulled over the covers and pretended to sleep.
After a couple of hours in thought, Harry finally went to sleep.
Harry had a dream that him and Ginny were in a dark, circular room. All of a sudden light flashed everywhere. Then tons of shadowen came out. It felt like harry was being magnetized to the wall because he got pulled straight to it. The same thing happened to Ginny. They were stuck to the wall as shadowen came closer and closer till finally they came and covered them in complete darkness.
Harry woke with a start. Seeing it was already light outside he got up and got dressed. The dream, that had once felt so real, started fading away, no matter how hard Harry tried to keep it. Harry looked outside. It was snowing. Which meant Christmas was coming. Harry knew he'd have to tell Ron about him and Ginny. And soon. But now, as much as Harry didn't want to, it was time for him to go to class.

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