The perfect gift

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As the days went on, so did the snow. The snow was 3 feet deep, making everyone who tried to get through it wet to their waists.
Christmas was also coming up. Harry had never felt more determined to get a perfect gift. The past few days had been some of the best days of Harry's life.
He couldn't believe his luck.
As Harry and Ginny got closer, Harry finally picked up the courage to tell Ron. He wasn't pleased, but after Harry said that it could be Rons gift to him, he allowed it.
Ever since then the thought of giving Ginny the perfect gift was all he could think about.
Him and a couple of guys were planning on sneaking out to hogs-mead to get gifts.
Hermoine, however, seemed to have totally forgotten about Christmas.
"Are you not worried that you'll meet a shadowen there?" She asked sternly. "I don't think you two should go."
"Hermoine, I know how to defeat them. Just use light!"
"Harry, pointing a light at them doesn't 'defeat' them. It makes them cower for a couple seconds before coming back. I've been doing sone research and.."
The group of guys called Ron and Harry over.
"Hermoine, you're not our mom. We can take care of ourselves." Ron said. "We'll talk later." Harry called over his shoulder while walking away. Hermoine glowered at them.
"Idiots. They're gunna kill themselves one day." She said to herself.
Or she thought she said to herself.
"Who do we have here?" A voice called behind her. Hermoine turned around to see Christine blocking her.
"What do you want? Harry's gone. You can goggle to your friends about him in private." Hermoine turned to leave but was held back by Sarah. The two blocked both her way of escaping.
"What do you want?" Hermoine said.
"I want you to tell me who you are to harry." Christine said.
"A friend." Hermoine pulled out her wand, but so did the other two.
"Why are you so obsessed!" Hermoine said angrily.
Christine laughed.
"Oh Hermoine. You're so innocent. Harry can make my dreams come true."
The way Christine said that made Hermoine interested.
"And what are these dreams?" She asked.
Christine smiled darkly. "If I told you that, I'd have to kill you." Christine turned around to walk away, and Hermoine put down her wand. Suddenly Christine shouted a spell that hit Hermoine straight in the face. The spell pulled her up and smacked her on the ground. Moaning in pain, she lay there as Christine and Sarah walked away. There was one thought Hermoine had before she passed out.
Wasn't there supposed to be three girls?

Meanwhile, in hogs-mead, Ron and Harry went to plenty of shops looking for the perfect gift.
"What would Hermoine like?" Ron asked.
"Probably for some extra homework." Harry said jokingly.
"What do you think Ginny would fancy?" Harry asked.
"I don't know. You're her boyfriend."
That last thought made Harry brighten up. Yeah. He was her boyfriend!
Harry looked around longer, but found nothing he thought Ginny would like. After Ron buying Hermoine a book called "Witches and Wizards that Started It All" and Harry buying her a golden quill, they set off to Hogwarts.
Harry was terribly disappointed. He didn't find one thing for Ginny.
Then, just as they were about to leave, Harry found the perfect gift through the window of a quittich shop. It was a golden bracelet with red threaded into it. It had a quaffel in the middle of three hoops, which signified the three goal posts. Harry didn't know why, but it was beautiful to him.
Ron's eyes went wide as he looked at the price. "I don't know mate. It's pretty expensive and Ginny's not one for jewelry.." but Harry had already gotten it.
Harry had a big grin on his face the rest of the way back. Once they got back to Hogwarts they wrapped their gifts and headed to the great hall where everyone else was eating. They looked for Hermoine but couldn't find her. Ginny wasn't there either.
Ron gave Harry a puzzled look. They walked over to ask some Gryffindors if they knew. Apparently none of them did.
Harry saw Hagrid walking over to them.
"Hagrid! Have you seen Hermoine or Ginny?" Ron asked.
"I haven se'n em no, but last I 'eard Hermoine got sen to the nurse." Hagrid answered.
Harry and Ron ran to where the school hospital was. There, sitting in one of the beds, was Hermoine. She looked all bruised and tired.
"Hermoine! What happened?" Ron asked, quickly walking over to her.
"I.. there were these girls and they asked about harry.. and.. I don't know I got thrown to the floor.." there were tears running down her eyes. "There were only two.."
"What are you talking about?" Harry asked. "What girls and what do you mean they asked about me?"
All of a sudden the door opened and Ginny walked in. She looked exhausted.
"I talked to madam pomfry and she said that you'll have to stay in here for a day or two." She said to Hermoine.
"A day or two? Can't these bruises be healed in like two minuets?" Ron asked.
"She doesn't know why, but the bruises can't be healed magically." Ginny said.
"You don't remember the spell used against you?" Harry asked.
Hermoine shook her head.
Just then, madam pomfry walked in. She looked like she was about to drop everything she was carrying.
"Out! Out!" She yelled at them. "I only allowed one! She had a concussion! She needs to rest! Everyone out!"
The three of them walked out.
"What's a concussion?" Ron asked.
"It's when you black out because you hit your head hard. It sometimes causes lots of headaches and, occasionally, temporary damage to the brain."
That made Ron's face even redder than it was before,
Harry turned to Ginny.
"Is there anything you know about what happened?" Harry whispered to Ginny.
"I was the one who found her." Ginny said back. "She was lying in the ground passed out. When I looked closer, I saw a mark on her ankle. It was like a dark spot."
"Did you see anyone walk by when you found her looking suspicious?"
"Harry there were tons of people around. Hermoine was in a hidden walkway, I'm surprised I even found her."
Harry remembered them leaving through the secret passageway. She must've been hit right after they left.

Ron was a mess for the rest of the day. "Do you think she'll recover soon?" He kept asking.
"We should've listened to her and stayed! She'll be alright...right?"
As the days went by, every day Hermoine looked better. After only a couple of days she was let out, but wasn't allowed to go outside because of the cold weather, and encouraged not to be too active the next few months.
Harry had put off asking her what she remembered. As curious as he was, she just got a concussion, and Harry knew how bothersome it was to have people question you right after an incident. He would ask her during winter break. She already told them she was staying.
As Harry walked to his last class, he bumped into Christine.
"Hey harry! How's your friend?" She asked.
"Alright." Harry said back.
"Well I'm off to potions. We have it with the Hufflepuffs. Bless them, they're so sweet." She walked off.
There was something bothering Harry about what she just said, but he put that thought aside. This was his last class before Christmas holidays.
He might as well get it over with.

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