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Harry woke up early the next morning. He looked over to the bed where Ginny was sleeping. She wasn't awake yet.
Harry knew he wouldn't be able to fall asleep again, so he got up. He realized he was still in yesterday's clothes.
He walked over to Ginny. She looked troubled on her sleep. Harry wondered what she was dreaming of. Harry softly pushed a strand of her vibrant red hair behind her ear.
He went to look outside the window. He wondered if telling Ginny everything was the right decision.
"No more secrets" that was the right decision...right? Did he just give Ginny a burden like his to carry? Now she knew of a shadow creature working for Voldemort. That wasn't exactly news to take lightly.
"You look troubled." A voice said beside him. Harry jumped. He didn't realized Ginny had gotten up and had stood beside him. She looked tired. Harry didn't know if she looked less troubled sleeping or awake.
They stood in silence. It was comfortable silence. Last night was pretty hectic, so it was nice to just relax with nothing planned, no one to impress, and just breathe.
Madam Pomfry walked in. With her help, all of the bruises on Ginny were healed and she looked back to normal, besides, obviously, looking exhausted.
"Harry, you wouldn't mind not telling Ron about what happened tonight? You know why." Ginny said as they made their way to the common room.
Harry thought about it. He didn't know if it was the right thing to do, not tell Ron. He'd want to know.
But he nodded to Ginny.
"I won't tell him, but you do realize that it's ok to ask for help right?"
Ginny sighed. "I guess."
Harry looked down to her. He understood why she was hesitant. Harry remembered all the times when he wouldn't dare ask for help.
Harry interlocked fingers with Ginny.
"So, I guess that was considered a full date right?" Harry asked.
Ginny started laughing. It was good for her.
"Honestly Harry, why is it that we can't have one normal date?"
Harry laughed. "I guess that's the price that comes with dating me."
"What's my price?" Ginny asked.
"Well, whenever someone dates you.."
"Yes?" Ginny said with a glint in her eyes.
"They never go a moment without a bruise."
Ginny punched Harry in the arm.
"See!" Harry said back. Ginny laughed.
That changed their whole mood. By the time they got to the common room, they both had big grins in their faces.
Ron and Hermoine  were already up and waiting.
"Where were you two off to?" Ron asked suspiciously.
"Went for a walk." Harry replied.
"Why is it that you two always go on walks?" Ron said exasperated.

Once Christmas was over, classes went on, harder than ever. Not to mention the intense quittich practices.
Ever since the incident with Ginny, Harry always got anxious when Ginny would walk to her classes with her class. He really wished she was in his year.
Harry was doing research on ancient ruins in the library. He looked up to see someone walked by. The light shone over them and a shadow appeared. That got Harry thinking of the shadowen. Then something hit him. Harry remembered his run in with Christine a while ago. He remembered what she said that had made him confused. She had said she was doing a class with the Hufflepuffs, but she said before that she was in Hufflepuff. Why would she lie? Now that Harry thought of it, he never really saw Christine and her friends around.
And what did Hermoine day after she was attacked? That there were girls asking about Harry? Also, when Harry overheard the shadowen, it said something like, "I told you they'd be helpful." What if Christine and her friends were the ones who did all of these things. What if they didn't actually go to Hogwarts. What if they were sent by the shadowen, or Voldemort himself!
Harry quickly ran to find Hermoine.
"Hermoine!" Harry yelled, finally reaching the place she was sitting. "What exactly happened when you got attacked before Christmas?"
Hermoine looked as if she had a sudden realization.
"Oh! I totally forgot to talk to you about it! The people who did it was.." Hermoine started.
"Christine and her group." Harry finished.
"Yeah how'd.."
"Never mind how. Tell exactly what happened. Every single thing they did and said."
"Well, right after you and Ron left, Christine blocked my way out and.. oh what did she say?" Hermoine rubbed her temple. "Oh! Right! She asked me what my relationship was with you. She sounded quite obsessive honestly.."
"And then?" Harry said impatiently.
Hermoine rubbed her head again. Then her eyes lit up, in a less than happy way.
"She said that you could make her dreams come true. It was the way she said it though. It was so.. evil-like."
"Was her group with her?"
"Only one. I think her name is Sarah."
Harry remembered what Hermoine said when him and Ron found her at the hospital. She said there were only two, like it was weird that there weren't more.
"There were three to begin with right?"
Hermoine nodded. "This was ages ago, Harry, why are you so interested now?"
Harry ignored her and rushed to find the three, now two, girls who met him in the train compartment his way to Hogwarts.
He couldn't find them anywhere.
He asked a couple of Hufflepuff girls to see if they were in the Hufflepuff common room. After they went to check, they said that the group wasn't there.
As he, defeatedly, walked back to the library, he bumped into a group of guys in Ginny's year.
"Watch it!" One of them spat in Harry's face. It was the last person Harry wanted to see.
It was Matt.
When Matt realized Harry was the one he was talking to, which took a surprisingly long time, he smiled.
"Well if it isn't Prince Charming."
Harry was confused. "I'm sorry dude, I'm not into you.."
"That wasn't what I meant!" He said agitated. "I mean you and the Weasley girl."
"What about it?" Harry said.
Matt bent in to whisper into Harry's ear.
"I'd be careful if I was you. I hear that shadows can be pretty restless when agitated."
Harry pulled out his wand. "What do you know about them."
"I don't know what you mean." Matt said. He started to walk away.
"About the.." harry looked to see that his group was following him. 
"The shadows." Harry called desperately.
Matt turned around and smirked. He then started walking. Harry watched at Matt and his group walk away. He was about to turn around, but stopped when he saw something unusual. When Matt walked through the light that Harry saw when he was studying before, there was no shadow.
Matt was shadowless!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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