"No more secrets"

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Pretty soon after that, they decided to call it a night. They both started walking to the front doors.
Ginny stopped abruptly.
"I'll be right back. You go on." She said.
"Are you sure? It's pretty dark out." Harry replied.
"No really. I've got my wand. I'll be fine." Ginny said.
"Ok.. well I'll see you tomorrow." Harry said unsurely.
"It is already tomorrow" Ginny murmured to herself as Harry walked through the doors.
When she knew he was gone she stared panicking.
"Where is it, where is it!" She mumbled to herself looking up and down the hill to the docks. It was too important for her to lose. She had to find it.
"Looking for this?" An all too familiar voice said. It was Matt. He was dangling the bracelet in his hands.
"Back from the nurse." She said trying to be confident. She didn't take her eyes off the bracelet. "You write to your grandma that you got bested by a girl yet?"
Matt looked at Ginny with an evil grin on his face.
"How was the picnic with Prince Charming?"
"You were watching us?" Ginny said disgustedly.
"Yeah. Quite a kiss I should say." He came closer and Ginny reached for her wand. It wasn't there.
"You know instead of making out with the potter boy you really should be taking better care of your things." Matt said, motioning to Ginny's wand in his pocket. He kept inching closer.
"Look at you now. No defense. No Prince Charming to save you. Just you and me." He grabbed her hands with such force that her old bruises started burning.
"Let me go!" She said angrily, trying to fight back.
He laughed. "You have no one." They backed against the tree. "I can finally do to you as I please." He leaned in but she kicked him in the shins so hard that he lost his grip on her.
But only for a second. He grabbed her again and shoved her into the tree.
"You filthy bastard." He said in pain. He slapped her hard on the face, then put his hands to her throat till she couldn't breath.
The last thing she heard before she blacked out was someone yelling and shouting,

Harry paced by the front doors. He wasn't comfortable with Ginny out there in the dark. He didn't want to look like an overprotective boyfriend, but he didn't want her to get hurt. He knew how she felt when people thought of her as weak and dependent, so he decided to wait inside.
But after a while he couldn't take it. She wasn't back yet and he was going to see what was up.
As he went outside he heard someone saying 'you filthy bastard!' It was a mans voice. Before he had time to think he rushed over, trying to find Ginny. Finally he found her, being pinned to a tree.
"Hey!" He yelled, rushing over to the man choking his girlfriend. "Let go of her!"
"No" Matt replied simply. He started to raise his wand but Harry got to his first.
"Expelliarmus!" The dude's wand went flying and he lost his grip on Ginny. She fell to the ground. Harry went up to the guy and punched him square in the face. The guy started running to the front doors of the castle.
Harry felt a piece of metal touch his feet. He picked up the objects and then picked Ginny up and carried her to the hospital wing.
He paced back and forth as Madam Pomfry checked out what happened.
"Harry, there's something peculiar that I think you should know." She said after examining Ginny's hands and back.
Harry gulped. What was Ginny hiding?

Ginny woke up with a moan. Her head hurt and her body was aching.
Sitting beside her was harry. She couldn't have been more happy and devastated to see him there.
When he saw that she was awake, he quickly got up and sat on the tip of her bed.
"Hey." She said, kind of embarrassed.
"Hey." He said back. "Look, we need to talk."
Ginny nodded.
"Madam Pomfry said that you had bruises that were old. Bruises that happened before tonight's events." He said. "Care to explain."
Ginny sighed. "There have been a couple times when.." she started.
"When what?" Harry asked concerned.
"I don't know, some idiots would grab be and shove me into a wall, or in this case, a tree, but I was always able to defend myself with my wand. This time, I didn't have my wand with me."
"Ginny why didn't you tell me! I'm supposed to be there for you. You should've told.."
"Well," Ginny interrupted, "I think you're not the one who should be chastising me about keeping secrets. When I get bruised up I'm obligated to tell you everything, but when you come out of an abandoned building bruised up, it's all of a sudden ok for you to keep secrets?"
Harry was silent. She was right. He was hiding things from her, what was it different than her hiding things from him.
"You're absolutely right." Harry said. "I guess I owe you an explanation then." He told her about the shadowen and what's been happening this whole year.
"How is that possible?" Ginny asked. "How can something with no physical being even touch you?"
"We live in a world of magic. A world that I didn't even know about 10 years ago. I've learned that nothing, no matter how ludicrous, is impossible."
Ginny nodded.
They were silent for a while.
"No more secrets?" Ginny asked Harry. He smiled.
"No more secrets."
Just then Madam Pomfry came in the room.
"You're still here?" She asked. "Well you best be leaving. She doesn't need someone distracting her. What she needs is rest. Out!"
"Can't I just stay the night?" Harry pleaded.
"Absolutely not."she said firmly.
"But it's Christmas break!" Harry said trying to persuade her.
"Fine. As long as you don't sleep in the same bed and you don't keep her from resting." She said back.
Relieved, Harry climbed into an empty bed beside Ginny.
"Thanks." She said.
"For what?" Harry asked.
"For waiting for me. By the door."
That gave Harry a question.
"I have one more question" Harry said. "One more thing and then you can rest."
"Continue." She said back.
"Why did you need to go back. Why didn't you just come with me back to the common room?"
Ginny sighed. "I lost the bracelet you gave me I panicked and didn't want you to know. That bracelet means a lot to me. I couldn't bear losing it."
"Did you find it?"
She sighed again. "Not exactly. That guy, Matt, he had it. Along with my wand. I didn't get it back. I'm sorry Harry."
Harry smiled to himself.
"As I was about to carry you to the hospital wing, I might've noticed some peculiar items on the ground."
Ginny sat up. "What kind of items?" She asked excitedly.
"Just some string of metal and a stick."
She jumped out of her bed and rushed to beside his.
He held up the bracelet and wand.
"Just some string of metal and stick huh?" She said smiling.
Harry smiled back. "I'm glad you're ok"
She smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek. She then got back in her own bed and fell asleep.
Harry, however, couldn't fall asleep.
"How long had guys been rough-handling Ginny? The thought made him sick. Also, when she had been talking about the person who would do it to her, she said it in plural. The word she used was quote, "idiots". More than one. That made Harry's stomach twist.
That would end. Harry would make sure of that.

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