Part Four| An Atom to Atom

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  • Dedicated to Kaye

Arabella: Part 4    

     As I got off the bike, I saw Troy eyeing me. "What? Never saw a girl before?" I said with a sly smirk. He smirked and replied, "I saw plenty of girls dressed, and un-dressed," He wiggled his eyebrows and then continued, "Just never saw a girl so empty before. See you tomorrow, Shortcake." He smiled, put on his Ray Bans and drove off, leaving me speechless.


     I shut my bedroom door thankful that Josephine or Matt didn't see me. I put my bag on my chair and went to take a shower. As I stripped down, I thought about what Troy said to me. What did he mean that I was empty? And even if I am, how can he see that? I mean I eat a lot so...

     After I took my shower, I remembered that my dad's boss's family is coming over for dinner. I mentally groaned since I was really looking forward to my pajamas and my laptop welcoming me into bed. I sighed and soon got ready. I wore a red velvet material dress with spikes on the shoulders with black tights and my black ballet flats. I kept my hair natural and just put on a headband. I put on mascara, a little bit of eyeliner and lip balm with some powder for oily spots. I sighed and went downstairs to help Josephine get the food ready.

     I saw Josephine making pot roast, and I helped make the green bean casserole. "Hmm Arabella , you actually look beautiful for once in your life." Josephine commented. I shrugged and mumbled a thanks.

     When we both finished making the food, the bell rang. I went out of the dining room and opened the door. When I opened the door, me being shocked was an understatement. The door opened to reveal the Knights. My eyes widened but I soon put on a fake smile and said, "Welcome, please sit in the dining room, thank you." I pointed to the dining room. I first saw Mr. Knight who looked a lot like Troy. I saw where he got his pale complexion and dark features. Mr. Knight screamed importance, wealth, and power. On the other hand, Mrs. Knight seemed very friendly. Her sweet blond curls and stunning blue eyes gave off a sweet aura. She smiled at me and behind her I saw a little girl who looked about five or six. I smiled at the girl and her shy mask flew out the window when she gave me a big toothy smile, dimples and all. Her long blond curls, and light brown eyes portrayed an innocent look. "Hi! I'm Bethany! What's your name?" She asked. I laughed and said, "My names Arabella, but you can call me Bell." Bethany let go of her mother's hand, and clasped her small fingers around my hand. I smiled down at her, and lead her to the dining room.


    Mrs. Knight and Josephine were talking about home decor, while I was sitting across from Troy. Troy arrived fifteen or so minutes later. With a plane white tee and black skinny jeans and a leather jacket, he looked very hot. Even I had to admit it myself. His hair was swept to one side. Bethany and Mathew were talking about superheroes. Their arguing about Superman Vs. Batman was very amusing.

     I cracked a smile here and there throughout the dinner. I felt something on my leg, and I looked down. Troy's foot was brushing my calf, and I bit my lip to prevent myself from kicking him under the table. I looked up, and he smirked. He then mouthed, Don't bite your lip, Shortcake. I rolled my eyes and then kicked him under the table. "Fuck!" He whisper shouted. I put a hand on my mouth to stop myself from going into Hyena Mode. He rubbed his leg under the table, and then looked up at me. We made direct eye contact. His dark blue eyes showed mischief and amusement and some hints of anger. My eyes widened, and I continued to eat my food. When I finished, I went to the kitchen to clean my plate. Troy soon followed.

     "Shortcake, tsk, tsk, tsk. Hitting me under the table like that," He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. "Was so not a smart move." He whispered in my ear. His voice sent shivers down my spine. I ignored that feeling, and I turned to meet his eyes. "Well, then don't piss me off, Stud." I went up to my tip-toes and whispered in his ear. I felt goose bumps on his skin, and I smirked. I pulled my body away from his and turned to go to my room.


     When I entered my room, I pushed my body against the door, and slid down the door. Why does my body react to his touch? It's not like I like him or anything. I wanted to scream, and pull out my hair. So I then walked to my bed, put my face to my pillow, and screamed. My scream was obviously muffled. I heard the door open and heard footsteps near my bed. They sounded like heavy boots, and I knew only one person who had boots on today. I lifted my face from the pillow to meet Troy's smirking face. He had a half smirk on, and his eyes twinkled from amusement. I then realized I must've looked like a hot mess, so I smoothed down my hair, and patted down my dress.

     "Hi." Troy's smirk was still on his face. I bit the inside of my lip, and dropped down to my bed. I laid flat down with my feet hanging off the bed. Soon Troy joined me. "Who said you can lay down in my bed?" I questioned, my eyebrow raised. He stared at the ceiling and smiled. His eyes twinkling, and soon his lips turned into a grin, and when he turned to face me, my heart started to race. I wanted to go inside my ribcage and stop this nonsense. His smile was just so beautiful and contagious. I soon grinned, and then I looked up at the ceiling along with him. I realized that it was night out, and my bedroom was dark, but not pitch black. My ceiling was covered in glow-in-the-dark stars and moons. I looked at Troy who was still staring at the ceiling with a blank expression. My eyebrows furrowed and then I heard his voice.

     "The stars are the only things we can count on. War might go on, people can die, and change. But stars are the only things that stays the same. Only thing we can actually count on." Troy whispered the last part. My eyes brimmed with tears, as I thought of my mum.

     "Yeah, only thing we can count on. Do you ever wonder if there's another universe out there? Another realm?" I asked my voice slightly cracking. I was hoping he didn't notice that.

     "All the time. That maybe, there's another alternate universe where everything is okay. Nothing bad ever happens, only happiness. No one dying, or changing. That there actually might be hope."  That was the only time where I heard Troy with absolute emotion and sincerity. That there were more to his blank expressions. That he has a heart.

     I didn't notice that my fingers were intertwined with his. Warmth flooded through me, and I stared at our hands. He must've noticed since he looked at them too. I looked at him, and he looked at me. Our emotions raw, and powerful. But then, we continued to stare at the ceiling.

     Pretending that everything was going to be okay.  


     I absolutely loved this chapter! It took me a few times to perfect, but I didn't really edit, and also, it was a little long right? I really liked the ending and how it was sad, yet romantic in a way. What was your favorite part of the chapter? Leave your answers in the comment section! This chapter is dedicated to my best friend, Kaye. God she was so picky about details and stuff with my book, yet her opinion really matters to me. Kaye, if you're reading this, I will put you and Jairo together just saying! Sorry about the long author's note! Leave your feedback in the comments!

                                            Peace, Janna    


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