Part Eight| Boom Clap the Sound of my Heart

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There in all his glory, stood Troy Knight, drunk and in gloom.

I rushed Knight in, and as expected, stumbling with every step.

"Dear god, how much did you drink?" I sighed and held Knight's waist as I lead him up the stairs to my room.

Troy looked at me with midnight eyes, and I saw cosmos in the pools of blue. My breathe hitched when he cracked a smile. A small smile, yet it's affect left my heart booming.

As we approached my bed, knight immediately stumbled back and fell into the bed.

Thank god it's the end of this horrid week.

I placed Knight's head properly on my pillow, and placed a blanket on his frigid body. I took off his black Chuck's and placed them next to my dresser.

As I heard the heavy breathes, I knew Knight fell asleep. As I turned to leave, I glanced over him once again.

My feet had other plans since they magically started to go to his direction.

His soft black hair was layed flat against his forehead, making his pale complexion stand out. A strand of his hair lay abandoned on his forehead, and I reached out my finger and swiped it to the other hairs.

I soon found myself grazing his forehead, and then caressing his cheekbones all the way to his prominent jawline.

I envied how long his dark lashes were. How they looked like they can reach the moon and stars.

My breathe stopped in my throat when Troy's right hand captured my exploring left one.

"Stay." Knight whispered it so softly I almost couldn't hear his words.

I squeezed his hand, and replied, "I'm sorry." I pried his hand off mine, and turned to leave, until I felt his hand on my hand again, but this time he intertwined our fingers, leaving me breathe less.

Oh how I wondered what it felt to do this with Troy. To have his hand in mine, feeling the warmth generate off. Though the rest of his body was cold, his hands were warm. It felt as if I was holding hands with the sun. It made me feel all bubbly and I could hear how fast my heart was beating.

Could he hear it too?

I turned around again, and saw that his eyes were wide open. His lips were the color of a fresh red apple, oh how I want to crash our lips together and feel his touch all over me.

"Please Bells." His eyes pierced through mine, and I soon gave in. I turned off the lights and laid in the bed together. Side by side, our breathing in sync, yet my heart won't rest.

Thump. Thump. Thump. The sound of my heart, kept me awake for a good ten minutes.

Bells. Bells. Bells. That's all I could think of. Bells, his newfound nickname for me. I loved how smooth it sounded from his lips. How easily it rolled off.

Why are my feelings for Knight so strong? He's just a friend. And he'll forever remain my friend. So why am I complicating our friendship with my petty feelings for a boy I just met?

I shook my head and turned to my right to face Knight. I looked downwards towards our intertwined fingers laying in the middle of our bodies.

With the sound of his steady breathe, I fell into the darkness.

I woke up in Knight's arms. My light eyes trailed how his arms were holding me. I tried to take his arms off of mine, but the harder I struggled, the more he tightened his hold.

"KNIGHT GET OFF" I gritted my teeth in annoyance, and Knight soon snapped his eyes open, and shot out of bed.

"Fúck have I been here all night?" He looked at me, but soon fell back in bed.

"Shìt, can you give me some aspirins or something?" He rubbed his eyes, and yawned.

I bit my lip, at the thought of last night.

'Bells' god that boy is going to kill me. I stood up, and went downstairs.

I started to make some coffee, and got a glass of water, and some aspirins. I turned to go back up, until I saw Knight walking down the stairs.

"I could've went up you know." I sighed at Knight. He shook his head, "With all that cráp? Yeah right." I looked towards my arms full of mugs, and a small bottle of aspirins.

I rolled my eyes, and sat them on the table. "Do you remem-"

"Last night? It's a little hazy, but yeah I do. Thanks Winters, for taking care of me." Troy interrupted.

I turned my head towards the sink, "If I don't Troy, then who will?" I mumbled, in hopes of Troy not hearing.

When I turned towards Knight, I saw he drank the water and took an aspirin. He had his hands wrapped around his iPhone, and drinking his coffee.

He soon looked up to look at me. My canary ones meeting his midnight ones.
I felt this strange tug in my heart. I saw a tinge of hurt in his eyes. But it went as fast as it came.

Why was he hurt? What have I done wrong? He was the one who left me, after calling me a slut. My anger rushed through me like a type if ecstasy.

"Did you ever thought of me? Did you ever thought of my emotions when you called me a slut? Like grow up Knight! After two weeks you come here, drunk! God Knight, we need to stop." I sank down on a stool, my face in my hands my hair everywhere.

"That's your problem Winters! You keep on pushing me away! All the time, and have you thought of how I felt? Yeah I'm sorry I called you that, but in all honesty stop feeling sorry for yourself and YOU grow up." I took my hands off, and looked up at him. He was raging.

A fire growing in his eyes, his phone set down, and he stood up.

"Alright that's enough. We're going somewhere." He walked towards me taking my hand, as I stood up.

I was bewildered. My eyes widened, as I absorbed everything in. He's right. I should stop feeling sorry. I should stop being the damsel in distress.

Instead of waiting for my hero to come and save me, I'm going to be my own hero.

"Wait, we're are we going?" I asked puzzled.

He looked at me, his pools of dark blue, burning into my soft ones.

"We're going to fix you."

What I didn't realize was that it was just going to break me,.



AYEEEEEEEEEEE LOOK I UPDATED AREN'T I GREAT?!?! I spent a long time writing this stupid asś of a chapter -_-

IM GONNA CALL YOU GUYS MY TACOS. OKAY? OKAY. OMFG TFIOS. Ok guys, I'm writing my chapters on my iPod since I just moved and my computer and everything isn't set up! So yeah updates on iPods!

Anywhoré, I dedicate this chapter to...

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