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Lupin approached us, growling and snarling. We backed up as far as we could, but he still came closer.
I felt someone's clammy hand grab mine, tightly. I looked to my left, it was Harry. I squeezed his hand back.
Lupin came closer and closer, his thin, long face dripping with wildness.
I squeezed my eyes closed, not wanting to see his next action, but I didn't feel anything cut me or hit me. Instead, I heard something.
I heard the growling and barking of a dog quickly coming closer. I opened my eyes just in time to see a large black dog, Dad, lunge at Lupin. He knocked Lupin down with a tumbling motion that was transferred into Lupin's fall. We all quickly got to our feet.
Lupin threw Dad off of him like he was a rag doll, but he quickly rolled onto his feet and in front of us.
Snape was up again, curling his arms back, to contain the four of us. Lupin and Dad growled and snarled at each other, then he charged forward on his long feet towards my dad, who did the same. They rammed into each other with a loud whimper and barks.
We stood there helplessly as they attacked one another. Dad was tossed off again when Lupin's attention fixated on us. He took deep steps near us. Dad trotted to his side and grasped his arm in his powerful jaws. Lupin swung at him, but he darted away before he could. Lupin trailed after Dad quickly.


"Sirius!" Harry and I shouted at the same time. We darted out of Snape's shield in opposite directions.

"Come back here!" Snape shouted. Barks, snarls, growls, and yelps could be heard from both Remus and Sirius. We watched as Remus picked Dad up and threw him down again. He cried in pain.

"Daddy!" He shouted. Harry and I darted towards them.

Lupin raised his claws above Dad, ready to swing and bash his head, but Harry chucked a rock at him to stall.
The rock thunked the side of Lupin's head. He turned angrily to us, and roared.

"Now, why would you do that?" I mumbled, not taking my eyes off Lupin. He leaped towards us, raising his paw, but was interrupted when a more feminine and high pitched howl came from the distance. Lupin whined at the noise. The howl came again, getting his full attention. Lupin howled in return and got on all fours, shuffling down a hill towards the howl. We watched him get farther away down the hill.
A faint, pained whine came from the bushes where he stood moments ago.

"Dad!" I remembered. The dog stood up weakly and fell over agin. When he stood back up, it was Dad, human, but he tripped over himself and began to roll down hill.
I chased after him, Harry following behind. We tripped down the hill as we caught our own feet on the other. At the base of the hill we saw the staggered and warped foot prints get up and walk into the forest, we followed without hesitation.
My brown hair whipped my face as I raced between trees, trying to find my father.
We came to an opening, a large pond sat in the middle of a pebble stoned area. Dad laid, huddled to himself, at the edge of the water. We leaped towards him.

"Sirius!" Harry called. I got down on my knees and pulled him onto his back. His chest was cut and bleeding, his eyes were closed, and his face showed weakness.

"No! Dad!" I shouted at him. He didn't move. I held his head in my lap, looking for any sign of response.
It suddenly went cold, The air was sharp and icy, the small stones froze and pierced my knees and legs.
I looked up at Harry, who was staring at the edge of the pond, which was rapidly freezing to solid ice. He looked my straight in the eyes, we both understood.
A raspy shriek came from between us. Dad opened his eyes and screamed at his first sight, above us, flew hundreds of dementors.
They circled us like scavenger birds.
Some dropped down to suck a bit of Dad. He gasped for breath and he choked on nothing. Harry and I leaned back away from the dementors on instinct to protect Dad, I stood up and pulled out my wand. I held it up to the sky. Harry joined me, both our wands pointed at the huddle of black cloaks.

"Expecto Patronum!" we chorused. The familiar white-blue light curled out of the tips of our wands. They conjoined into a small bowl shape. it deflected the dementors momentarily. We lowered our wands - why we did eludes me.
We stood there, panting. I turned my head.Aa dementor swooped forward and caught Harry. He screamed and fell backwards. He hung over Dad.

"Harry!" My attention being drawn to him on the ground, I did not see the dementor dive towards me. The happeness drained from me - well, more like it was pulled. A piercing pain shot through my chest as I was forced to collapse on my knees.
I clutched my throat; I wasn't breathing. The dementor finally let go of me, I fell back with a thud. I turned my head weakly, to see my father, having the life and the joy sucked out of him, along with Harry as well.
The dementors took their turns swinging down to feed off of us a little by little.
Harry, who was obviously stronger then me, was able to keep to his knees, watching over Dad and me. He screamed and cried with every force sucked out of him.

I tried to pull myself up, but I would fall every few moments from another attack. I tried to hold up my wand, but I was too weak for even such a simple task.
I heard gargling and moaning from beside me: Dad, a dementor had a rather tight grip in him.
It looked more forceful than the other pulls, like more was being taken. It didn't let go as fast as the others either.
It circled him and kept his connection.
When it finally let go, Dad laid flat. He did not move; his sunken eyelids did not flicker.
But a groan could be heard escaping his mouth, along with the tiniest orb of blue light.

"Dad?" I whispered weakly. Harry hung over him once again, I could see the reflection of light off the tears streaming down his face. It took me a moment to realize what was happening. It didn't take more than a second, however, for the tears to pool up and drip out of my eyes.

"Daddy?" I cried. I slumped my face into the side of his shoulder.
Harry looked up, his attention being drawn from his only living (seemingly, not for long) family member who didn't hate him.
I turned my head to see what the attention attracter was.
At the edge of the frozen lake stood a silvery stag and a smaller doe, the same shade of the silver white. It nodded to the doe beside it. They trotted across the frozen pond, towards the dark figures which now surrounded us.
From behind it, I could see two figures standing, but they were shielded enough from the light to see.
From behind the stag and doe, but in front of the caster came a large white light which gaped around the clearing, hitting every creature and every pebble.
The dementors fled quickly as the light passed over and through them.
I glanced back at my dying father to see the orb return to his body.  much needed gasp came from his lips.
I looked back at the people.

"Mum?" I mumbled, just before everything turned black.


Im so sorry its so short. But i was in a hurry.
See you guys next update!
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