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The instant I got off the school bus everyone around the bus ramp gasped. "A human! It can't be!" They all said at the same time. "Oh lord this is gonna be a fucking long day" I said out loud. Dark, who was behind me laughed. I moved to the side and waited for Anti and DIE to get off. When they got off, Dark lead the way through the school to first period. Apparently, new kids get the same schedule as their guides. In my case, my guide would be Dark. As soon as I stepped into the room, I was pulled aside by the teacher. "You better not do any nasty work, You hear me?" The teacher snapped in my face. "Mr. James leave the poor kid alone, it's not her fault she's here." The principal told him as he walked through the door. Of course as you know, everyone is a demon here except for me. So anyone can kill me in one shot. "Okay kid what's your name?" The principal asked me. "Y/N." I responded. "Ok Y/N, if there is any problem with anyone, you come to me. They will be punished." The principal said in a serious voice. I nodded and he walked out the room. "Or you can tell me..." Dark started to say then continued when the room was quiet. "The principal is my dad and I'm allowed to hurt people." He finished looking at Amy with a angry glare. I nodded and took my seat beside him. "Y/N in order to get into this school you have to know the names of the top 3 dangerous students here." Mr. James said. "Easy, Dark, Anti, and DIE." I responded. "Correct? But how?" Mr. James questioned. "Because I'm intelligent unlike some people in the room." I retorted looking at him and Amy. The rest of the students screamed in laughter. "Good one!" Dark laughed. "I know." I replied. "Ok Who is the prince of all demons?" Mr.James asked. (Fun fact the principal is the king ) "Dark." I said kicking up my feet and putting them on my desk. Mr.James shot a blazing red ball of light towards me and of course I dodged. "So you want to fight me? Bring it!" I smiled. He charged at me and I pulled out a sleeping rose. When he got close enough, I put the rose up towards his nose. He instantly fell asleep. "Take notes kids." I said putting the flower back into my pocket. "A sleeping rose is only casts its effect when it's close to the nose." I told everyone. "How do you have one?" A demon asked. "Found it in the forest by mistake. I have a lot of rare flowers. Some only bloom once in 3 million years." I responded. "The death flower? You have that?" Dark asked rising from his seat. "Yes, in fact I do. But it can't harm anyone due to the place I put it in." I replied. "Interesting, well I need your opinion on this.... my mother is very sick... can you come over and see what's wrong?" Dark asked. "Yes, of course." I told him as the bell rang.

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