The Bite

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Someone you wouldn't  expect was biting Shadow'a neck... "Dark!" I yelled as I saw him drink Shadow's blood. I fought through the vampires trying to reach Shadow. The vampires dived for my neck but I dodged then every time. I finally got to where Shadow and Dark were and ripped Dark's fangs from Shadow's neck. "Thanks." Shadow said as she turned to the vampires and started attacking. "Dark what's the matter with you?!? You're supposed to help us! Not go against us!" I yelled angrily at him. "Y/N I can explain..." He said as a vampire attacked him. Dark battled the vampire until it ran away. "You were saying?" I pushed still mad at him for biting Shadow. "My demon instincts kicked in and I... I guess I was hungry and couldn't wait. Shadow was the closest person..." Dark told me looking at the ground. As we talked the rest of the vampires were driven away. "So, why are you guys blabbing?" Shadow asked with a laugh. "The fact that he bit you instead of a vampire! You can't just do that Dark!" I replied with a glare at Dark. Dark sighed. He didn't want to hear it anymore so he went back in the tent. "Look, Y/N he was hungry.." Shadow told me. "I know but it doesn't give him any right to bite you! He could have drank too much and you would have died! He can't just go around biting his own team!" I shot back. I went too far when I started to cuss him out. I guess I figured he wouldn't hear... that was stupid of me to think.....

Alright another part done! Let's see where it goes from here! Hope you guys enjoyed! I've been writing this on my phone so it takes a while to type. Anyways, Cya later!

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